f0y / due_date_reminder

Redmine plugin that sends notifications
29 stars 43 forks source link

500 Internal Error #17

Closed haddung closed 11 years ago

haddung commented 11 years ago


I've installed the Due Date Reminder Plugin on my 2.1. Redmine. Accroding to http://www.redmine.org/plugins/due_date_reminder it should be compatible with 2.1.

But after installing, migrate and restarting I get a 500 Error after Login.

The log states :

Started GET "/redmine/my/page" for at Wed Oct 03 13:45:01 +0200 2012 Processing by MyController#page as HTML Current user: admin (id=1) Rendered issues/_list_simple.html.erb (10.0ms) Rendered my/blocks/_issuesassignedtome.html.erb (227.0ms) Rendered issues/_list_simple.html.erb (30.0ms) Rendered my/blocks/_issuesreportedbyme.html.erb (156.0ms) Rendered my/page.html.erb within layouts/base (1151.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1624ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method association_class' for nil:NilClass): 33 <%= hidden_field_tag(controller.default_search_scope, 1, :id => nil) if controller.default_search_scope %> 34: 37: <%= text_field_tag 'q', @question, :size => 20, :class => 'small', :accesskey => accesskey(:quick_search) %> 38: <% end %> 39: <%= render_project_jump_box %>

app/helpers/application_helper.rb:268:inrender_project_jump_box' app/views/layouts/base.html.erb:36:in `_app_views_layouts_base_html_erb___201915114_99968940'

I have also tried the solution mentioned here: http://www.redmine.org/boards/3/topics/30930?r=30973#message-30973

Any suggestions here? Thank you!

f0y commented 11 years ago


Do you have any other plugins installed? What is an output of a command git branch (perform it in due_date_reminder directory)?

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 2:17 AM, haddung notifications@github.com wrote:


I've installed the Due Date Reminder Plugin on my 2.1. Redmine. Accroding to http://www.redmine.org/plugins/due_date_reminder it should be compatible with 2.1.

But after installing, migrate and restarting I get a 500 Error after Login.

The log states :

Started GET "/redmine/my/page" for at Wed Oct 03 13:45:01 +0200 2012 Processing by MyController#page as HTML Current user: admin (id=1) Rendered issues/_list_simple.html.erb (10.0ms) Rendered my/blocks/_issuesassignedtome.html.erb (227.0ms) Rendered issues/_list_simple.html.erb (30.0ms) Rendered my/blocks/_issuesreportedbyme.html.erb (156.0ms) Rendered my/page.html.erb within layouts/base (1151.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1624ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method association_class' for nil:NilClass): 33 <%= hidden_field_tag(controller.default_search_scope, 1, :id => nil) if controller.default_search_scope %> 34: 35: <%= link_to l(:label_search), {:controller => 'search', :action => 'index', :id => @project https://github.com/project}, :accesskey => accesskey(:search) %>: 36: 37: <%= text_field_tag 'q', @question https://github.com/question, :size => 20, :class => 'small', :accesskey => accesskey(:quick_search) %> 38: <% end %> 39: <%= render_project_jump_box %>

app/helpers/application_helper.rb:268:inrender_project_jump_box' app/views/layouts/base.html.erb:36:in `_app_views_layouts_base_htmlerb __201915114_99968940'

I have also tried the solution mentioned here: http://www.redmine.org/boards/3/topics/30930?r=30973#message-30973

Any suggestions here? Thank you!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/f0y/due_date_reminder/issues/17.

Best Wishes, Oleg Kandaurov

haddung commented 11 years ago

Hi! I deleted all other plugins to be sure it's a problem with Due Date Reminder. The comand brings following output:

C:\REDMINE\apps\redmine\htdocs\plugins\redmine_due_date_reminder>git branch fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

I downloaded the .zip to install the plugin...

f0y commented 11 years ago

I suppose You have a wrong version of the plugin. Please install it from the link below https://github.com/f0y/due_date_reminder/zipball/redmine-2.1

haddung commented 11 years ago

I installed from your link and did "bundle install" afterwards. When I tried migrate the following error occurred:

C:\REDMINE\apps\redmine\htdocs\plugins>rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=pr oduction --trace (in C:/REDMINE/apps/redmine/htdocs) rake aborted! Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for 6.0.0 but the client library is 5.0.83. C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.11-x86-mingw32/lib/mysql2/1.8/ mysql2.so C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.11-x86-mingw32/lib/mysql2/mysq l2.rb:2 C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.11-x86-mingw32/lib/mysql2.rb:9 :in `require' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.11-x86-mingw32/lib/mysql2.rb:9

C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68: in require' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68: inrequire' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66: in each' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66: inrequire' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55: in each' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55: inrequire' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler.rb:122:in req uire' C:/REDMINE/apps/redmine/htdocs/config/application.rb:7 C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:ingem_ori ginal_require' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in require ' C:/REDMINE/apps/redmine/htdocs/Rakefile:5 C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- nload' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- n load_rakefile' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- inraw_load_rakefile' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- n load_rakefile' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- instandard_exception_handling' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- n load_rakefile' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- nrun' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- in standard_exception_handling' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- nrun' C:/REDMINE/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake- C:/REDMINE/ruby/bin/rake:19:in `load' C:/REDMINE/ruby/bin/rake:19

f0y commented 11 years ago

I believe that there are some diffucties with running plugin on ruby 1.8 according to that guy https://github.com/theonlyulti/due_date_reminder. Try to remove test directory and Gemfile and Gemfile.lock from plugin directory.

And you must not do bundle install in plugin directory.

haddung commented 11 years ago

I am now able to install the plugin! Thank you very much! But when I try to configured the plugin it tries to access:
http://mydomain/redmine/settings/plugin/due_date_reminder and I get a 404 error!

f0y commented 11 years ago

Something wrong with your redmine configuration then. Good luck!

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 3:14 PM, haddung notifications@github.com wrote:

I am now able to install the plugin! Thank you very much! But when I try to configured the plugin it tries to access:

http://mydomain/redmine/settings/plugin/due_date_reminder and I get a 404 error!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/f0y/due_date_reminder/issues/17#issuecomment-9172244.

Best Wishes, Oleg Kandaurov

haddung commented 11 years ago

Why? Where do I have to look? What should the link be?

f0y commented 11 years ago

Simply because it is completely Redmine responsibility to create that link properly. It is hard to say where you should look. Maybe something wrong with webserver configuration. I do not have much experience with setting up Redmine.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 4:44 PM, haddung notifications@github.com wrote:

Why? Where do I have to look? What should the link be?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/f0y/due_date_reminder/issues/17#issuecomment-9174108.

Best Wishes, Oleg Kandaurov

f0y commented 11 years ago

Btw, link is correct. Webserver can not find this page.

haddung commented 11 years ago

All right, thanks for your help! I will try to figure this out!

haddung commented 11 years ago

According to the guys at the bitnami forums, it's a plugin issue...


Ipaulsen commented 11 years ago

I have been getting this error while trying to go to the log in page, just happened haven't changed-ed anything as far as versions... tried to follow the thread, but a little confused :(

error log below

app/views/layouts/base.html.erb:37:in `_app_views_layouts_base_html_erb___695339911_32923608'

Started GET "/redmine/login" for .._. at 2013-06-27 11:17:13 -0600 Processing by AccountController#login as HTML Current user: ipaulsen (id=1) Redirected to http://**..._/redmine/ Completed 302 Found in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) Started GET "/redmine/" for ...* at 2013-06-27 11:17:13 -0600 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Current user: \ (id=1) Rendered welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/base (0.0ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 31ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method render_projects_jump_box' for #<#Class:0x3f1dcb8:0x3e74758>): 34: <%= hidden_field_tag(controller.default_search_scope, 1, :id => nil) if controller.default_search_scope > 35: 38: <= text_field_tag 'q', @question, :size => 20, :class => 'small', :accesskey => accesskey(:quick_search) > 39: < end > 40: <= render_projects_jump_box %> app/views/layouts/base.html.erb:37:in_app_views_layouts_base_html_erb___695339911_32923608'

thanks, please help!