f1u77y / wmc-mpris

MPRIS proxy for usage with Web Media Controller on GNU/Linux
The Unlicense
25 stars 1 forks source link

This project is now abandoned due to its redundancy

See https://github.com/f1u77y/web-media-controller#this-project-is-now-abandoned-due-to-its-redundancy

MPRIS proxy for Web Media Controller



If you don't have sudo privilidges, replace the last 2 commands with the following:


And then make install won't need sudo.

Alternatively, you could build with meson (will be the only option in near future):

$ meson build --buildtype release
$ ninja -C build

And then install with sudo ninja -C build install and uninstall with sudo ninja -C build uninstall.



In addition to installing/building the web-media-controller, you will need to install this browser extension. When both the extension and this program installed, the extension will interact with it in the background and you should be able to go to one of the supported websites and be able to control it with every MPRIS client. Here are a few examples:

Some of these tools supports controlling the player via media keys, which is the initial goal of the project.