Love buying and selling on Carousell? Then meet the team that handcrafts various parts of the mobile applications, website and backend systems in order to deliver the best user experience. Here at Carousell, our engineering team works on a myriad of problem domains. You get to work on building the simplest buying and selling experience on our mobile applications, dive deep into our database systems that powers the business, or even work on tools to empower the rest of the teams in Carousell. Every month, we organize an engineering day with different topics, ranging from product hackdays to a Swift workshop by the engineering team members to keep our minds sharp.
Ensuring that the user experience stays simple is complicated - and we take pride in our work to keep things that way.
Build new and key features for the Carousell web platform by working closely with the product and design teams.
Analyze and optimize performance and reliability of the web app.
Build a high performance dynamic web application with technologies such as React, Flux, Webpack, ES6, Node.js, etc.
Take full ownership of projects from design (collaborate with the design team) to implementation and deployment.
Good to have
Commanding grasp of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Experience with modern JavaScript libraries and tooling
Familiarity with all aspects of MVC web applications (especially those built on Django/Flask)
Proven ability to ship beautiful, stable and high-performance desktop and mobile web applications from start to finish
Carousell 旋轉拍賣為社群拍賣平台,2012 年在新加坡上線後,已拓展至台灣、香港、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、澳洲等國家。現有超過 1億1萬件刊登商品,為全球成長最快及最大的行動拍賣平台之一,在新加坡、台灣與香港均於手機購物應用程式排名中名列前茅;並獲得紅杉資本(Sequoia India)、樂天創投 (Rakuten Ventures)、500 Starups、金門創投 (Golden Gate Ventures) 以及 QuestVC 等多家創投的投資。
<成為改變的推手> Carousell 產品工程團隊致力用科技解決生活中大大小小的問題,你寫的每一行程式碼將影響數百萬人的生活,所提出的每個點子也會被高度重視與實際執行。
<人才是一切的核心> “你”是 Carousell 最重視的資產。我們借重你的專業也在意你的成長,幫助你蛻變成自己想要的人是我們持續努力的目標。全額贊助參加技術年會、內部黑客松、彈性工時、 Apple筆電、員工認股等都是你能享有的資源與福利。
<溫暖的國際家庭> Carousell 成員來自 20 多個國家,多元的團隊背景造就直接的溝通風格與透明文化,我們傾聽彼此也支持對方,不僅是一起打拼的夥伴、更是好朋友與家人。
台北市中山區南京東路一段92號4樓 (靠近中山捷運站)
Love buying and selling on Carousell? Then meet the team that handcrafts various parts of the mobile applications, website and backend systems in order to deliver the best user experience. Here at Carousell, our engineering team works on a myriad of problem domains. You get to work on building the simplest buying and selling experience on our mobile applications, dive deep into our database systems that powers the business, or even work on tools to empower the rest of the teams in Carousell. Every month, we organize an engineering day with different topics, ranging from product hackdays to a Swift workshop by the engineering team members to keep our minds sharp.
Ensuring that the user experience stays simple is complicated - and we take pride in our work to keep things that way.
Good to have
依經驗與能力面議 NT$ 70,000 - 120,000 / month
每日工作時間: 10:00AM ~ 7:00PM (8小時) 中午休息 (13:00~14:00) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 年假14天
彈性工時、免費開放零食櫃、Apple 筆電、每週五免費午餐、公司分紅與獎金:員工認股權、管理職可再議
請透過此連結申請、提交”英文履歷”: 通過履歷審核者,將會收到一份 coding challenge (請於 7 天內完成) 後續將安排與Technology Recruiter 進行第一階段線上面談 通過線上面談者,將進一步安排與團隊、主管、創辦人面談 若有任何疑問,歡迎來信 詢問,謝謝!