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Verilog IDE based on Qt Creator integrated with SymbiFlow #21

Closed rochus-keller closed 5 years ago

rochus-keller commented 5 years ago


Brief explanation

VerilogCreator is a QtCreator plugin. It turns QtCreator into a Verilog 2005 IDE.

The plugin is still work in progress, but it already has enough functionality to analyze existing code bases or to develop new code. The current version supports Verilog 2005 syntax checking/coloring and semantic code navigation/highlighting; there are build configurations for Icarus, Verilator, Yosys and Tcl. Projects can be configured using a file format similar to qmake.

There is also a dedicated, minimal version of Qt Creator which can simply be copied and run without installation: https://github.com/rochus-keller/QtcVerilog

Expected results

Maybe helpful for the project. Possibility for an end-to-end workflow from Verilog editing to bitstream generation with an optimized open source IDE. Wave viewer and Nextpnr GUI could be Qt Creator plugins too.

mithro commented 5 years ago

Hi @rochus-keller,

It looks like you are already working on this project, so I'm going to close this issue.

Thanks for the reference,

Tim '@mithro' Ansell

rochus-keller commented 5 years ago

Hi mithro, yes I made progress; the IDE works and is being used; the most recent version also supports parts of SystemVerilog assertions (zipcpu and picorv32 also work in FORMAL mode). I don't mind if you close the issue; what do you think of the idea to use the IDE as a frontend for symbiflow? Best R.

mithro commented 5 years ago

@rochus-keller At the moment we don't plan to include a frontend in SymbiFlow. We expect that people will use their own preferred editor.