fabacab / fetlife-aslsearch

Greasemonkey user script offering an interface to perform pseudo-automatic searches of the FetLife.com user base filtered by age, sex, location, and role.
59 stars 27 forks source link

Extended A/S/L search won't load in Firefox #9

Closed Numberphile closed 9 years ago

Numberphile commented 9 years ago

Date: 6/29/2015
Reported By: Numberphile

Product: Fetlife A/S/L search Extended Version: 0.4.4 Platform: Greasemonkey Version: 3.2 Browser: Firefox Version: 38.0.5 URL:

Is it reproducible: Yes


Identical to the image from #8, I can see the checkbox, I open it, but the advanced A/S/L search is just a blank rectangle.

The "Classic Search" does open but is slower than it used to be.

Steps to Produce/Reproduce

Download Firefox Download Greasemonkey Click install link for A/S/L search "Download and install FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search" https://github.com/fabacab/fetlife-aslsearch/raw/master/fetlife-age-sex-location-search.user.js Login to FL account (All versions are up to date as of half an hour ago)

Expected Results

It should work

Actual Results

It doesn't work


Tried copying the "Server" folder & contents into the containing folder for the script, didn't work.


Other Information

I think this is an installation problem. After installing as described there are only two files in the GM folder, fetlife-age-sex-location-search.user.js jquery-2.1.4.min

I searched for the string "Choose a minimum and maximum age" but didn't find it in these files. (In the old version everything was contained in one js file)

I did find this string in the "search-form.html" file on this website.... which makes sense except I have no clue how to install it.

If search-form.html and the other files under "server" are needed to run the script (and it seems very likely they are) I just need to know where to put em/ how to install them.

I appreciate any help you can give, I've been using the old A/S/L script for a while and think it's great.

Thank you, -Numberphile

fabacab commented 9 years ago

I have the exact same setup described above (Firefox 38.0.5, Greasemonkey 3.2, and FetLife ASL Search 0.4.4). I uninstalled everything, reinstalled everything, and still can not reproduce this problem.

I think this is an installation problem. After installing as described there are only two files in the GM folder, fetlife-age-sex-location-search.user.js jquery-2.1.4.min

Nope, that's actually exactly what's expected to be in your Greasemonkey folder. (The installation seems to be fine. If you want to be doubly sure that the installation is fine, check the integrity of those two files using the SHA-1 digest. You should have the following shasums of the files: jquery-2.1.4.min should be 43dc554608df885a59ddeece1598c6ace434d747 and fetlife-age-sex-location-search.user.js should be 68e0147182de0cfcf50eb9ff2079b2dbf05ece84.)

Information that is missing from your bug report that might be helpful would include:

You're not the only one having this problem but, unfortunately, I have experienced absolutely none of the problems described and so I don't really know how to approach resolving the issue because the issue doesn't exist for me. It's certainly not a Firefox/Greasemonkey/script issue, though.

Another thing you can do to troubleshoot the issue is edit line 77 of the .user.js file, which ships like this:

'debug': false, // switch to true to debug.

to be this:

'debug': true, // switch to true to debug.

and then open up Firefox's Web Console while reloading a page on FetLife. This should produce some amount of output from the userscript as well as reveal any other errors that may be causing the problem. Copy that and post it in this issue thread.

Numberphile commented 9 years ago


Vista 32 bit, SP2 (Fresh install of my OS about a week ago) No other userscripts on GM / No other add-ons (just reinstalled Firefox) All Firefox settings are default, (I think running TLS 1.2?) Norton Anti Virus Home Internet connection in the US, nothing relevant blocked by ISP that I know of

Here's some output from the console after turning on the debug...

This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] analytics.js This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] ecommerce.js This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] collect This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] collect The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. adgear_iframe_1_dark.html This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] exec Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxjpuCSz9uam23hztGYyiE6IbHX22EGzhq7fN4jQGo1jiRp520/exec?embedded=true does not permit cross-origin framing. This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] eade0ff4c8

This one was interesting:

Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxjpuCSz9uam23hztGYyiE6IbHX22EGzhq7fN4jQGo1jiRp520/exec?embedded=true does not permit cross-origin framing.

When I went to the site listed I saw the missing frame http://i.imgur.com/PWaZAby.jpg, it was even functional except it didn't give any results.

fabacab commented 9 years ago

I wonder if the combination of Vista and Firefox is causing the "Load denied" message. I'm running a Mac, and I don't see that message. I'll look into it when I have a moment.

Meanwhile, what do you mean "it didn't give any results"? I get plenty of results for most searches.

Numberphile commented 9 years ago

I think I was being sloppy- tried again with a much broader search and it gave plenty of results. I'll play around with the search parameters a bit more tomorrow.

fabacab commented 9 years ago

Regarding the "Load denied," can you please go to this test page and provide a full-page screenshot of the results? Thanks.

Numberphile commented 9 years ago

Sure thing, here's an album of the whole page: http://imgur.com/a/eomKi

juniusdev commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty sure the issue is due to the option to DENY external FRAME BUSTING... which is what the javascript is attempting to do?

fabacab commented 9 years ago

@JayKeelz , yes, the issue is certainly related to the X-Frame-Options HTTP header, but what's curious is that Firefox on Mac OS X (despite having the exact same results as @Numberphile 's screenshots) displays the <iframe> contents whereas the same version of Firefox on (several different versions of) Windows seems to honor the X-Frame-Options's DENY value. I'm not sure why there's the difference between Firefox's behavior; Google Chrome on both Mac and Windows hosts seems to behave consistently.

I might just change the behavior of the script to do for Firefox what already happens in Google Chrome (i.e., simply open in a new window, directly, rather than have the server code framed), but I'd still like to know why the difference in Firefox's behavior based on the OS used. It seems like a bug in the browser to me, actually. Hmm.

Numberphile commented 9 years ago

Just want to say thanks for all your help on this, I agree it must be either a Firefox bug or a "Vista is altering how Firefox works" sort of thing. Using the server link to search works. (I played around with the search criteria and the "it's not giving any results" thing was just me making the search too narrow, duh.)

For anyone else coming here and having this particular bug on Firefox... here is the raw link to the "Extended Search" , just exactly what you would see in the frame.


fabacab commented 9 years ago

Hi, I haven't had enough time to thoroughly research this issue so I've provided a workaround specific to Windows computers (which seems to be the commonality in all failure cases). Before I release this publicly, however, I would greatly appreciate it if you could install the test version of this script by clicking here and letting me know if it works for you. If it does, I'll release the update to the master branch so other users will be able to auto-update. Thanks for your help in testing this fix.

Numberphile commented 9 years ago

Yup, that works for me. And glad I could help.