fabioz / PyDev.Debugger

Sources for the debugger used in PyDev, PyCharm and VSCode Python
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Set the port of the remote running hpc machine when remote debugging #249

Open jackhu-bme opened 1 year ago

jackhu-bme commented 1 year ago

Currently, I'm doing remote debugging on hpc computing nodes, and the available ports of hpc machines are limited by our school. To be specific, the limited ports available are 80 and 443. In fact, I need to make sure the remote debugging process is conducted by sending sockets from port 80 or 443 on remote machines, and the destination is my host ip and host port, which can be set by pydevd_pycharm.settrace(, port=). The host ip and port is set correctly and could be validated using our lab machines for remote debugging in the past. However, when trying to do remote debugging on hpc machines, the error message is as follows: File "/***(my name)/anaconda3/envs/edge/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pydevd_bundle/pydevd_comm.py", line 458, in start_client s.connect((host, port)) OSError: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable So I guess this results from incorrect port setting of hpc computing nodes, but I can not find document of setting the remote port or finding what is the default port remote machines use when remote debugging. Thus, help is needed.

jackhu-bme commented 1 year ago

On remote hpc nodes, 80 and 443 ports are available which could be validated by "curl baidu.com" and the curl result is fine.