fable-compiler / samples-electron

Fable bindings and samples for Github Electron
Apache License 2.0
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electron fable fsharp

Fable samples for Github Electron apps

This repository contains samples to show how to create a Github Electron cross-platform desktop app using F# and Fable.

At the time of writing there's only one simple sample. More to come!


npm comes bundled with node.js, but we recommend to use at least npm 5. If you have npm installed, you can upgrade it by running npm install -g npm.

Although is not a Fable requirement, on macOS and Linux you'll need Mono for other F# tooling like Paket or editor support.


The project can be used by editors compatible with the new .fsproj format, like VS Code + Ionide, Emacs with fsharp-mode or Rider. Visual Studio for Mac is also compatible but in the current version the package auto-restore function conflicts with Paket so you need to disable it: Preferences > Nuget > General.

Building and running the app

In the commands below, yarn is the tool of choice. If you want to use npm, just replace yarn by npm in the commands.

The first two steps are only necessary the first time or whenever the dependencies change.

The app window will be refreshed when you modify any file in the Renderer project. For production, run yarn run build to get optimized JS code.

Releasing the app

In the commands below, yarn is the tool of choice. If you want to use npm, just replace yarn by npm in the commands.

This will package the electron app for your current platform. This means if you are under Mac this will create a Simple Fable App.app application that can be executed.

If you want to specify which platform to release, please take a look at electron-packager. For example, to release to Linux you could do this:


As all Electron apps, the sample is split in two parts:

  1. The main process, responsible to create the app windows.
  2. The renderer process, responsible to generate the code used by index.html.


File explorer

Demo file explorer