fac19 / week2-guardians

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week-2-guardians Readme

Well hello there :)

Have you ever wanted to see what all the orks from Reddit are saying about a movie along with other facinating information such as the movie name and a catchy quote?

Show me the money!

Well lucky for you now you can with the movie and Reddit comment hunter!


This web application will query The Movie Database's API whilst simultaneously flying over the dark and dangerous world of Reddit to reveal the latest brainless comments related to your movie.

super cool


We will take what you input in the search bar and make GET fetch requests to the Lords of the API. If they are in a good mood they may return some information.

If not at least you'll see a glorious 404 error in the console.

Life is good.

They only ask that you look at one movie at a time. Greed is not an honourable trait in this realm.


Design Requirements

The design criteria can be found here.



Week 2 Learning Objectives

Week 2 Learning Objectives can be found here

Agreed Numbering Tags

Personal Learning Objectives





Stop, Go, Continue

  1. GO: BEM methodology
  2. Follow 20/20/20
  3. MVP !important
  4. Publish early
  5. Swap frequently
  6. Use github and git, including project board

Core User Stories

User stories from project page shown in bold.

  1. See an interesting mashup of different data
    • Display response from movie database API
    • Display response from reddit API
  2. Input information to change the displayed result
    • Create form to take data for fetch post
    • Create post request to movie database API
    • Create post request to reddit API
  3. View the app on all of my devices
  4. I am a user who is hard of sight and very frustrated with the lack of features helping me use a webpage.

Stretch User Stories

User stories from project page shown in bold.

  1. As an impatient user, I want to see some indication that data is loading
  2. As a confused user, I want to be told when something goes wrong
  3. After I have seen the information about the movie. I want to find out more information about the director.
  4. After looking up the movie, I would like to use the results from the movie database to query the Reddit comments API
  5. I would like to be able to see the trailer directly on the webpage
  6. I would like to see reddit reviews for the movie I've searched for
  7. I would like to interact with the comments, i.e if links in the comments you can view them
  8. I want to search for reviews so that I can watch good watch movies

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Query at least two APIs using fetch
  2. Dynamic content generated with JS
  3. A clearly defined user journey, documented in your readme
  4. A responsive, mobile-first design
  5. Ensure your app is accessible to as many different users as possible
  6. Try not to push API keys up to GitHub (since anyone can see them there)


A summary of the APIs we thought were cool.

The Movie DB

Lots of info about all kinds of movies, a bit like IMDB https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api

r/redditdev, pushshift.io

A tool for searching Reddit Comments and Submissions https://pushshift.io/


honorable mentions

Original Plan

Mini Design Spikes

  1. BEM