facebook / watchman

Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change.
MIT License
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Installation hangs on "llvm" dependency while installing watchman with Homebrew #1231

Open zaravia opened 2 days ago

zaravia commented 2 days ago

Hi... can someone help me with the following? I'm trying to install watchman on my Mac (macOS Big Sur 11.7.10). Running "brew install watchman", the process stalls at the following step:

==> Installing watchman dependency: llvm
==> cmake -G Ninja .. -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang;clang-tools-extra;lld;mlir;polly;lldb -DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES=compiler-rt;libcxx;libcxxabi;libunwind;openmp -DLLVM_POLLY_LINK_INTO_TOOLS=ON -DLLVM_BUILD_EXTERNAL_COMPILER_RT=ON -DLLVM_L
==> cmake --build .

It doesn't progress beyond that point...

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