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RakNet is a cross platform, open source, C++ networking engine for game programmers.
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Fix potential non-null-terminated string in Irrlicht sample (CVSS score: n/a) #130

Open Luke1410 opened 6 years ago

Luke1410 commented 6 years ago

This is a backport of a security relevant fix for RakNet, we discovered. The issue has already been fixed in SLikeNet 0.1.0 (see https://www.slikenet.com/). We provide this backport for people who prefer to stick with the RakNet project and also in order to easier share this fix with other RakNet forks.

We could/did not calculate a CVSS score, since such score heavily depends on how exactly the 3rd-party-library (IrrlichtEngine) handles the potentially non-null-terminated string. Note that this can also differ between different versions of the 3rd-party-library.

The security implications of the issue should be considered low. It's only an issue in the sample integration and therefore only applies to games/apps which make use of the code provided in RakNetStuff for their integration with the IrrlichtEngine. Since a non-null-terminated string however can result in out of bounds memory access, we decided to treat this issue as a potential security vulnerability.