facebookresearch / suncet

Code to reproduce the results in the FAIR research papers "Semi-Supervised Learning of Visual Features by Non-Parametrically Predicting View Assignments with Support Samples" https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.13963 and "Supervision Accelerates Pre-training in Contrastive Semi-Supervised Learning of Visual Representations" https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.10803
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About Result Validation for Custom Datasets #38

Open hanwenran1 opened 1 year ago

hanwenran1 commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for sharing your work :) For this line of code in snn_eval.py : transform, init_transform, data_loader, data_sampler = init_pipe(False) The data_loader here refers to unsupervisedloader or supervised loader?Because part of my dataset is labeled data and the other part is unlabeled data. I am looking forward to your reply!