faiface / pixel

A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go
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Text is not well positioned with some fonts #255

Open roipoussiere opened 4 years ago

roipoussiere commented 4 years ago

I use Material icons as font for a project.

In the example below, the letters and icons are both drawn from the same origin, but the icons start with an unexpected offset:



See the source code for more details:

source code (click to expand)
package main

import (

const fontSize float64 = 64
const distance float64 = 100

var offset pixel.Vec = pixel.V(25, 25)

func main() {

func run() {
    cfg := pixelgl.WindowConfig{
        Title:  "Pixel Rocks!",
        Bounds: pixel.R(0, 0, 300, 300),

    win, err := pixelgl.NewWindow(cfg)
    if err != nil {


    textFont, err := truetype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
    if err != nil {
    textFace := truetype.NewFace(textFont, &truetype.Options{Size: fontSize, GlyphCacheEntries: 1})
    textAtlas := text.NewAtlas(textFace, text.ASCII)

    iconFont, err := getTTF("MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf")
    if err != nil {
    iconFace := truetype.NewFace(iconFont, &truetype.Options{Size: fontSize, GlyphCacheEntries: 1})
    iconAtlas := text.NewAtlas(iconFace, []rune{'\ue313', '\ue314', '\ue315', '\ue316'})

    north := pixel.V(1, 2).Scaled(distance).Add(offset)
    drawTxt(win, north, textAtlas, "n", colornames.Red, colornames.Pink)
    drawTxt(win, north, iconAtlas, string('\ue316'), colornames.Green, colornames.Lightgreen)
    drawDot(win, north, colornames.Blue)

    east := pixel.V(2, 1).Scaled(distance).Add(offset)
    drawTxt(win, east, textAtlas, "e", colornames.Red, colornames.Pink)
    drawTxt(win, east, iconAtlas, string('\ue315'), colornames.Green, colornames.Lightgreen)
    drawDot(win, east, colornames.Blue)

    south := pixel.V(1, 0).Scaled(distance).Add(offset)
    drawTxt(win, south, textAtlas, "s", colornames.Red, colornames.Pink)
    drawTxt(win, south, iconAtlas, string('\ue313'), colornames.Green, colornames.Lightgreen)
    drawDot(win, south, colornames.Blue)

    west := pixel.V(0, 1).Scaled(distance).Add(offset)
    drawTxt(win, west, textAtlas, "w", colornames.Red, colornames.Pink)
    drawTxt(win, west, iconAtlas, string('\ue314'), colornames.Green, colornames.Lightgreen)
    drawDot(win, west, colornames.Blue)

    for !win.Closed() {

func getTTF(fontName string) (*truetype.Font, error) {
    file, err := os.Open(path.Join("assets", fontName))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer file.Close()

    bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    ttf, err := truetype.Parse(bytes)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return ttf, nil

func drawTxt(win *pixelgl.Window, pos pixel.Vec, atlas *text.Atlas, txtContent string, color, bgColor color.Color) {
    txt := text.New(pos, atlas)
    txt.Color = color
    fmt.Fprint(txt, txtContent)
    drawDot(win, txt.Dot, color)
    drawRect(win, txt.Bounds(), bgColor)
    txt.Draw(win, pixel.IM)

func drawDot(win *pixelgl.Window, pos pixel.Vec, color color.Color) {
    drawRect(win, pixel.R(pos.X-3, pos.Y-3, pos.X+3, pos.Y+3), color)

func drawRect(win *pixelgl.Window, rect pixel.Rect, color color.Color) {
    imd := imdraw.New(nil)
    imd.Color = color
    imd.Push(rect.Min, rect.Max)
Asday commented 4 years ago

I'd imagine this is because the baseline of those characters is different.

Could you put them in a line in a word processor or browser and see if they still exhibit the same positioning?

roipoussiere commented 4 years ago

Could you put them in a line in a word processor or browser and see if they still exhibit the same positioning?


Here, I selected the two first icons.

source code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
            @font-face { font-family: "iconsFont"; src: url("assets/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf"); }
            .icon { font-family: "iconsFont"; font-size: large }
        <p>Some icons: <span class="icon">&#xe313;&#xe314;&#xe315;&#xe316;</span></p>