What about using PMT messages to model the raw timing events, to inject them via a PDU input port to and merge them within the digitizer block?
This way the digitizer block could be kept a bit more generic and more easily reusable by systems w/o WR timing card, or FESA server, or those who want to synthesis the timing events.
The idea would be to have the following timing source blocks (i.e. with a PDU/PMT message output port) that are either fed by: a) programmatic internal API (e.g. call-back function triggered by FESA) b) block that implements a generic WR timing receiver (via saftlib) c) block that receives SW-based (i.e. via UDP) timing events and forwards them d) programmed event table that is synced to the UTC second (host clock).
In GitLab by @alexxcons on Sep 28, 2020, 10:25
Like suggested in the comment from @RalphSteinhagen (https://gitlab.com/al.schwinn/gr-digitizers/-/issues/28#note_418980408)