I am getting the following error when using surf2mesh.
Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
Warning: The 4-th region point lies outside the convex hull.
timeout: the monitored command dumped core
timeout 15m bash -c "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2023b/toolbox/leaddbs/ext_libs/iso2mesh/bin/tetgen.glnxa64 -A -q1.414a0.3 "/tmp/iso2mesh-workspace-user/post_vmesh.poly"": Segmentation fault
volume mesh generation failed!
Error using fscanf
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error in readtetgen (line 26)
[dim,count] = fscanf(fp,'%d',4);
Error in surf2mesh (line 120)
I cant figure out the reason for the same. Any insights will be helpful.
I am getting the following error when using surf2mesh.
Removing exterior tetrahedra ... Warning: The 4-th region point lies outside the convex hull. timeout: the monitored command dumped core timeout 15m bash -c "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2023b/toolbox/leaddbs/ext_libs/iso2mesh/bin/tetgen.glnxa64 -A -q1.414a0.3 "/tmp/iso2mesh-workspace-user/post_vmesh.poly"": Segmentation fault volume mesh generation failed! Error using fscanf Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error in readtetgen (line 26) [dim,count] = fscanf(fp,'%d',4);
Error in surf2mesh (line 120) [node,elem,face]=readtetgen(mwpath('post_vmesh.1'));
I cant figure out the reason for the same. Any insights will be helpful.