fantinodavide / Squad_Whitelister

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Read-only mode for configuration (conf.json) #3

Open kostiantyn-matsebora opened 1 year ago

kostiantyn-matsebora commented 1 year ago

First of all, you've made really useful application, great job.

I am running application on k8s, and attaching conf.json file from k8s secret (obviously cause it contains sensitive data) as read-only file. k8s does not allow to attach secret as file in write-only mode, so when application starts it throws exception about not being able to open conf.json for writing. Can you add ability to use configuration only in read-only mode, without being able to edit it thru UI? From k8s point of view there is no sense to have it editable, since there is no such thing as "container restart", only container recreation.

P.S. As an additional feature it would be great to have some listener on conf.json, so there won't be need to restart application when configuration is changed :)

fantinodavide commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry for the slow response. I'll add this option as soon as possible and when done, I'll close this issue! In the meantime, I invite you to join the following discord servers: Squad RCON: JetDave Development (my server):