fastapi / sqlmodel

SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness.
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Advanced Tutorial - Documentation #161

Open milanzmitrovic opened 2 years ago

milanzmitrovic commented 2 years ago

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Just want to ask about advanced tutorial?

Is there a plan to add documentation and what is timeline?

Tutorial for basic usage is excellent. Thanks to Tiangolo for making it so great and helpful.

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aaron-junot commented 2 years ago

I agree that the basic usage tutorial is excellent. We'd like to use SQLModel with the async engine from SQLAlchemy. The advanced page indicates this is possible.

I was hoping you would post an example at least, even if the guide is not complete yet, @tiangolo? πŸ™πŸ» πŸ™πŸ» πŸ™πŸ»

EDIT: Also, we were previously using imperative mapping from SQLAlchemy. I'm curious if your advanced guide will include instructions on working with MetaData using SQLModel?

perezzini commented 2 years ago

Would be awesome to have just a peek about how to use the async engine!

susnmos commented 2 years ago

I order to use async engine, I change sqlmodel.ext.asyncio.session.AsyncSession method exec, from statement: Union[Select[_T], Executable[_T]], to statement: Union[ Select[_TSelectParam], SelectOfScalar[_TSelectParam], Executable[_TSelectParam], ], and then use code:

from typing import Optional, cast
import asyncio

from sqlmodel import Field, Session, SQLModel, create_engine, select
from sqlmodel.ext.asyncio.session import AsyncSession, AsyncEngine

class Hero(SQLModel, table=True):
    id: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)
    name: str
    secret_name: str
    age: Optional[int] = None

sqlite_file_name = "database.db"
sqlite_url = f"sqlite+aiosqlite:///{sqlite_file_name}"

async_engine = AsyncEngine(create_engine(sqlite_url, echo=True))
engine = create_engine(f"sqlite:///{sqlite_file_name}", echo=True)

def create_db_and_tables():

async def create_heroes():
    hero_1 = Hero(name="Deadpond", secret_name="Dive Wilson")
    hero_2 = Hero(name="Spider-Boy", secret_name="Pedro Parqueador")
    hero_3 = Hero(name="Rusty-Man", secret_name="Tommy Sharp", age=48)

    async with AsyncSession(async_engine) as session:

        await session.commit()

def run():
    with Session(engine) as session:
        query = select(Hero).where( == "Deadpond")
        heroes = session.exec(query)
        hero = heroes.first()
        for hero in heroes:

async def select_heroes():
    async with AsyncSession(async_engine) as session:
        query = select(Hero).where( == "Deadpond")
        # heroes = await session.exec(cast(Select[Hero], query))
        heroes = await session.exec(query)
        hero =
        # for heroe in heroes:
            # print(

async def main():
    await create_heroes()
    await select_heroes()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # create_db_and_tables()

Everything is OK, But I don’t know if there will be other side effects.

jonra1993 commented 2 years ago

You can find a sample here It can help others trying to create an async setup with SQLModel.

plocher commented 2 years ago

As a convert-from-Flask, I'm struggling to make fastAPI and SQLModel work together in a non-trivial use case, with many models, relationships and business logic abstractions that preclude putting everything into single models, routes and crud files. The core foundation is working well, but I keep slipping off the edges πŸ€•

An unexpected "feature" of the fastAPI tutorial (users and items) was that the majority of fastapi ... foo ... search hits on stackexchange, blogs etc featured people using the same core example. Chances are that the answers show code derived from the fastAPI tutorial, making it and the accompanying explanation that much clearer!

With SQLModel, we get a different example. While conceptually similar, it is subtly structurally different - from directory layout and modularity, to design mindset and completeness. For someone struggling to understand the magic that sifts between the cracks, these differences are a search engine comprehension killer :-(

All this is to say that, in the best of worlds, going back and updating the fastAPI tutorial to use SQLModel instead of BaseModel would, in my mind, be a fantastic "advanced" tutorial.

With that in place, a "a world class async app" tutorial with a modular, maintainable file structure would be nice, too πŸ‘

kiriti-kumo commented 1 year ago

Are there any plans for publishing this documentation? Would love to learn more on how to use async engine and SQLModel models with SQLAlchemy

Kyu commented 4 months ago

Collating useful guides i've come across:

Self referential relationships: Async database (A little outdated, a couple lines need tweaking):