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Mastering Relationships in Core Data: Practical Application #217

Open fatbobman opened 8 months ago

fatbobman commented 8 months ago

Mastering Relationships in Core Data: Practical Application

In the previous article, "Mastering Relationships in Core Data: Fundamentals" we explored the basic concepts and principles of relationships in Core Data. Building on that foundation, this article aims to share practical experience and techniques for handling relationships in Core Data. The goal is to assist developers in more effectively utilizing the relational features of the Core Data framework, thereby enhancing development flexibility and efficiency.

掌握 Core Data 中的关系:实战

在之前的文章《掌握 Core Data 中的关系:基础》中,我们已经对 Core Data 中的关系基本概念和使用原则进行了探讨。本文将在此基础上进一步,分享关于处理 Core Data 关系的一些实用经验和技巧。目的是为了帮助开发者更有效地利用 Core Data 框架的关系功能,提高开发的灵活性和效率。

ajunjunandtmac commented 3 weeks ago

https://github.com/JohnEstropia/CoreStore?tab=readme-ov-file#new-field-property-wrapper-syntax 大神,这个库里的@Field是怎么实现的,我看半天也没看懂

ajunjunandtmac commented 3 weeks ago

https://github.com/JohnEstropia/CoreStore?tab=readme-ov-file#new-field-property-wrapper-syntax 大神,这个库里的@field是怎么实现的,我看半天也没看懂
