fbelderink / flutter_pytorch_mobile

A flutter plugin for pytorch model inference. Supports image models as well as custom models.
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Target c10 directly on Android #21

Open Hixie opened 1 year ago

Hixie commented 1 year ago

Currently this package on Android goes from Dart to Java via message channels, then from Java to C++ glue code via JNI, then from that C++ to the actual core pytorch library (and then all the way back). It would be more efficient if the Dart code used FFI to directly drive the C++ code.

cyrillkuettel commented 1 year ago

I think this is a great idea. It would then be possible to use a lot of the same code as on iOS. Unfortunately there are not a lot of resources for using pytorch C++ api combined with Android.

dvagala commented 1 year ago

I've been trying this the past few days, compiling Pytorch for android C++ and linking them in cmake, but with no luck. I couldn't get past a undefined reference errors. If anyone had successfully managed to do it please tag me

cyrillkuettel commented 1 year ago

@dvagala Did you try NativeApp from the official pytorch demo?

dvagala commented 1 year ago

@cyrillkuettel Thank you! This was the right direction, I've tried it now, tweaked it a bit and it's working ❤️ My problem was that I was trying to follow this tutorial to build PyTorch from source to get the .a libraries and link them in CMakeLists.txt, but I was hitting a dead end.

For anyone with the same issue, here is how I managed to add native C++ LibTorch to FFI Android/Flutter:

Details - download the `.aar` pytorch library [from here](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.pytorch/pytorch_android/1.13.0) - unzip it, and copy `.so` libraries and headers from `jni/` and `headers/` somewhere to your project (I put mine to `libtorch-android/lib` and `libtorch-android/include`) - add this to your `CMakeLists.txt` ``` cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1) project(native_image_processor) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) # needed for libtorch set(LIBTORCH_BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../libtorch-android") file(GLOB PYTORCH_INCLUDE_DIRS "${LIBTORCH_BASE_DIR}/include") set(LIBTORCH_LIB_DIR "${LIBTORCH_BASE_DIR}/lib/${ANDROID_ABI}") add_library(libcplusplus SHARED IMPORTED) set_target_properties(libcplusplus PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LIBTORCH_LIB_DIR}/libc++_shared.so) add_library(libfbjni SHARED IMPORTED) set_target_properties(libfbjni PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LIBTORCH_LIB_DIR}/libfbjni.so) add_library(libpytorch_jni SHARED IMPORTED) set_target_properties(libpytorch_jni PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LIBTORCH_LIB_DIR}/libpytorch_jni.so) target_include_directories(native_image_processor PRIVATE ${PYTORCH_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(native_image_processor libcplusplus libfbjni libpytorch_jni) ```

Some benchmarks - FFI vs Current version of the package

The inference is significantly faster through FFI. Moreover, with bigger input tensors, I was getting an OutOfMemoryError before, and now with the FFI it's totally fine.

The current version of the package: Input shape (1, 3, 350, 350) - inference 886ms Input shape (1, 3, 700, 700) - inference 3050ms Input shape (1, 3, 2000, 2000) - inference OutOfMemoryError Input shape (1, 3, 8750, 8750) - inference OutOfMemoryError

FFI: Input shape (1, 3, 350, 350) - inference 250ms Input shape (1, 3, 700, 700) - inference 314ms Input shape (1, 3, 2000, 2000) - inference 580ms Input shape (1, 3, 8750, 8750) - inference 12114ms

(I measured the time to make the model inference from Dart List, and get the output to Dart List, so the conversions to/from C++ data structures are already included in the measures. Testing ML model was LDC)

Please note, that I don't currently have time to rewrite this package and make a PR.

cyrillkuettel commented 1 year ago

@dvagala Big if true! Wow! That are some drastic performance improvements. That's amazing I have to admit I did not expect that much of a gain. It seems that the platform/method channel was actually really slow. How did you solve it, did you do the per-processing in C++ as well? Can you share the code?

As a side note, your C++ might be suitable for iOS as well. (Since iOS is largely based on ObjectiveC) We might even be able to get rid of platform channels entirely.

dvagala commented 1 year ago

@cyrillkuettel Sure! I've made an example project here

Yes, it's running on both Android and iOS, and all the code is shared. That's the beauty of Flutter :)

beroso commented 1 year ago

@dvagala I was trying to follow your steps but using the flutter create --template=plugin_ffi command. I couldn't make it work on iOS. Do you have any experience with it?

Update: It's ok now, I forgot to copy the .ccp file to Runner target.

Another question: It's possible to make a ffi plugin with s.static_framework = true in podspec? The workaround makes it difficult to distribute the plugin. If not, there is a way to automate the file copy after Pods install phase?

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 1 year ago

@beroso did you find a fix for this?

cyrillkuettel commented 9 months ago

@beroso Hi, I wanted to ask if you eventually did find a solution for iOS C++ files?

I have the time and motivation to rewrite this package to dart:ffi. But I need to find a way to compile / include the C++ files. Right now s.static_framework = true works for development purposes. But I need to add each file manually to Xcode, and we don't want users of the plugin to have to do that...

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 9 months ago

Hello, I did suffer from the same problem in my package, but the solutions mentioned to me were to create static lib with pytorch and the c++ ffi code , and use that in the iOS pod

Sadly my knowledge with iOS is very low, so I failed to do so, and reverted back to objc and java.

I Hope this information helps you.

cyrillkuettel commented 9 months ago

Hello, thanks for the information. I believe I have found the solution to this problem. I did not yet test it, but it looks promising

Step 2: Building and bundling native code

        ffiPlugin: true  # if we set this flutter will bundle the C++ files

This configuration invokes the native build for the various target platforms and bundles the binaries in Flutter applications using these FFI plugins.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 9 months ago

I believe I did try that, but anyway if it worked for you let me know, since ffi was more stable and more predictable and I wish to go back to it

cyrillkuettel commented 9 months ago

Yes, stable, and you don't have duplicated inference code for each host platform. Also there are some neat tricks which I found in https://github.com/ValYouW/flutter-opencv-stream-processing so that with dart:ffi we can actually have true shared memory solution. So one could imagine writing the input image to a buffer and reading it from the other side in C++.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 9 months ago

Yes I did that, too and using the repo as a reference 😅.

The latest commit using ffi I could find in case that helps you https://github.com/zezo357/pytorch_lite/commit/b047edaf98b311518c031097fce35bd70b50814f

cyrillkuettel commented 9 months ago

Fascinating. I have done a lot to same things in my own project (not open source yet, because I need to fix this distribution problem and clean things up)

Only just today I discovered your package 🙃

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 9 months ago

From what I know The only features I don't provide that exist in your package are the inference as a direct list of values

I have inference for yolov5 and yolov8 and used pigeon to make sure all null safe communications and async operations

cyrillkuettel commented 9 months ago

I'm not the owner of this project :)

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 9 months ago

I'm not the owner of this project :)

Oh my bad😂 I didn't notice, if you were able to do it let me know, and if you want to make a pr I would love that

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 9 months ago

@cyrillkuettel https://github.com/zezo357/pytorch_lite/pull/65 i made this pr on the latest commit for ffi just to extract it from history incase you need to check it

also included the points needed to be fixed for the ffi to be used. https://github.com/zezo357/pytorch_lite/tree/latest-ffi is the branch with last edits for ffi