fdivitto / FabGL

ESP32 Display Controller (VGA, PAL/NTSC Color Composite, SSD1306, ST7789, ILI9341), PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal
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Further VGA Board #24

Closed roboticboyer closed 2 years ago

fdivitto commented 4 years ago

Have you tested this board with FabGL? Can you confirm it works with FabGL?

roboticboyer commented 4 years ago

Sorry, not yet Please note that the Bitluni board is not equipped with mouse and keyboard ports, only the VGA adapter and resistors

mcuadros commented 4 years ago

I made my own BTW. https://easyeda.com/mcuadros/fabgl-lolind32 and printed in JLCPCB for the price of 24,36e 10uds.

Works perfects besides I forgot link a couple of GND pins of the VGA. I also have a 3d printed box. photo_2019-08-13_20-09-31

kishima commented 4 years ago

I'm also making my FabGL board for ESP32-WROVER-B and a binding for mruby.



For building mruby, I made a FabGL component for ESP-IDF. It can be build with Arduino core for ESP32.


linker3000 commented 4 years ago

Breadboarders might be interested in this VGA+keyboard breakout board I laid out.


WacKEDmaN commented 4 years ago

nice one @linker3000 ...needs dual PS/2 tho for keyboard and mouse.... im using a dual stacked header from an old motherboard heres my setup...i need to solder it..some of the connections are bodgy! click for video!

linker3000 commented 4 years ago

@WacKEDmaN Yep. My board was laid out for some retro Z80 work hence no mouse port.

douggilliland commented 4 years ago

I made one, too.



fdivitto commented 4 years ago

This is my developing board with micro SD card and all pins exposed (also on tindie):

2019-12-18T17-00-26 601Z-DSC01130

2019-12-18T17-00-26 601Z-DSC01131

kishima commented 4 years ago

I have updated my board. It supports UART with a GROVE connector and SD card as well.


I also made an editor for Ruby with fabgl::Terminal class. Now I can write and run Ruby code on the board. EPiU1fZUEAA43Jl

My project site I appreciate this awesome library.

AlyssonRowan commented 4 years ago

An excellent library which hits all of the high points and landmarks for a video terminal.

I am basing a micro terminal project on this library, and on the circuit designs. I only need text mode support, my target being a terminal for my ancient PDP-11 and for an 8052 baed system.

My projects Blog

PQCraft commented 3 years ago

If any of you wants to test your boards might, I am working on a version of BASIC specifically for the ESP32 and FabGL: https://github.com/PQCraft/ESPBASIC. Keep in mind that it is still in beta. It has awkward bugs that sometimes requires me to just rewrite the entire routine. I also need people to tell me what the bugs are.

AlyssonRowan commented 3 years ago

Now that is very interesting. I am still working on my terminal, so I won't be in a position to try this at the moment.

I can see this idea ending up as a replacement for my 8052 microcontroller boards.

douggilliland commented 3 years ago

I made a new version of the card with the SD card socket. The PCB is up on Tindie. I added a 3.3V to 5V level shifter for the PS/2 mouse and keyboard ports which allows for more choices in PS/2 devices.

fdivitto commented 2 years ago

FabGL Development Board with I/O Extender and PSRAM


Supports all FabGL applications, including the PC Emulator: now you can program your I/O pins using GWBasic or QBASIC under MSDOS!!

Compatible with LEDs and Buttons board

Purchasing this board you support the FabGL project!

Examples with pluggable LEDs and Buttons board:

fdivitto commented 2 years ago

from now on please post new boards into "discussions"