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Comment #11984

Closed fec-issues-bot closed 2 years ago

fec-issues-bot commented 2 years ago

What were you trying to do and how can we improve it?

File complaint online because Democrats made it harder to file complaint. Form is not working probably because democrats made it harder to file complaint.

General feedback?

----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Stephanie M. Jordan usafuture@yahoo.com To: Ron Johnson reply_zyqym_buerlja_n@cp20.com; OIG oig@fec.gov; U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission sec@service.govdelivery.com; nytnews@nytimes.com nytnews@nytimes.com; USA TODAY editor@usatoday.com; Ombudsman ombudsman@frb.gov; Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration tigta@service.govdelivery.com; email@gop.com email@gop.com; contactus@foxnews.com contactus@foxnews.com; antitrust@ftc.gov antitrust@ftc.gov Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 at 01:13:56 PM CDT Subject: Re: I’m done

This is Insider Trading. This is politians using government to enrich themselves. This is a monopoly persay that cant be changed for insider trading or term limits which the majority of the people want but they since they are the lawmaking body will not pass laws on themselves to stop this.

Because as Nancy said.. "It's a free Country"... It may be free and/or profitable for them but I and other Americans do not have representation that will represent us as well as they represent themselves by representing us.

That is like an attorney who says he represents "you".... but he get 100% of the profit by representation and you get zero [0%].

They won't write laws on themselves so that those people who do truly want to represent the people and not use that representation to 100% profit themselves are able to come forward and are not blocked or stopped or limited or disadvantaged because others have deals with big companies and others they will profit to profit themselves.

It's in essence saying, we write laws to benefit you and you give back in donations... but now it is trying to 100% profit from the people represented that get ZERO % for being represented.

Congress won't do anything to fix this.

BUT in all fairness in the companies public filings and where they have to show private investments, new series offerings and other sources of income, revenue, benefits from government, etc. and they have to give the name of the Act or source by Federal and/or State legislation... under normal insider trading involves risk... and should publicly disclose along with it all government officials that purchased stock and the dates they purchased it for the shareholders and investors benefits and true financial picture of company, then and in the future ex. The Chips Act... if companies had to disclose income, benefits and etc. from this act on the date of any act or any other legislation and 50 members of Congress and Senate and 100 members of any other government agencies it could show a potential investor or investor that this company has government legislative support, government financial support, government members support by legislation and government financial support and by government members financial support and all have more vested interest for the company to thrive and profit over other companies which is of financial interest and benefit.

Another great idea by me. Doesn't have to be passed by congress to be a check and balance on themselves which they refuse to do. The other idea is term limits to stop these things. This allows them to still have as many terms as they want but also provides investor with more accurate financial picture of company.

Other than the SEC fixing this in financial disclosures which is important to know which companies have government legislative support, government financial support, government members support by legislation and government financial support and by government members financial support and all have more vested interest for the company to thrive and profit over other companies and which do not from an investor or potential investor standpoint, and this is also an ANTITRUST COMPLAINT.

Also... if they are using online platform or phone for broker, ria, are there protections there to stop any further insider trading? For the protection of investors and potential investors of course....

This is not what I want to be doing with my life. It is just beyond sickening to see politicians act like beggars for money from the American people and then represent themselves to profit themselves while they have done nothing but hurt the American people in every way.

Also, that's scary when government and fed decide which banks and their fedowned businesses always survive and always get government monies and always get preferential treatment over other businesses and then have a vested personal financial interest as well. I can't really say professional interest, because none of this professional.

That same chip company just got a 60 billion dollar private investment because of The Chips Act.

  1. This company wanted to partner with me 50/50 on chip manufacting in 1997. They would have supplied all equipment and I just needed a building to manufacture. SO from my point of view to do something like this 25 years after I could have been a chip manufacturer is wasteful and ungrateful.

Let's cost the government billions for what I could have for a building...

Also, 2.) I'm broke. I'm hurting. The stress. The worry. The all of it has hurt me.

When I don't have a whole roll of toilet paper or a running car or many things I need - THIS MAKES ME EVEN SICKER AND SNGRIER.

FURTHERMORE 3. THE ideas for what because the stupidly called inflation reduction act were primarily my ideas. They should have been done earlier and first if a real priority and before market crashed as more people could have pulled off retirement to make energy independence properties for their home or business but can't now because they lost their retirement. Also this is new companies do new things so did companies have to be gotten in place so they can profit 100% by representing someone who get 0%.

I have ideas. If they really cared about America or the people. I have an idea for windmills.... if they truly cared about America or the people. This should have been a priority.... if they really care about Americans.

And it wasn't just tax credits for rich people but grants for poor people whose house could use some energy efficiency.... if they really truly cared about Americans. And only a small tiny percent of homeowners or car buyers will be able to take advantage of this legislation because of the high costs - so the overall effect for reduction of carbon and greenhouse emissions will be little to none. Municipalities, schools will benefit at their own expense.

But if so important to reduce carbon and greenhouse games and have electric automobiles... and if it is top priority... it would have been done sooner or as 1st legislation when people were in better financial situation and not reeling from higher costs and before they depleted their retirements accounts and before the cost of money is higher and items are priced higher including recent higher prices for electric vehicles.

It was alot of great ideas that UI came up with to "Make America Better" that was only introduced after Americans are financially worse.

Like me... and 3.) I was looking for my life to get better... not to have costs raised up where I can't buy something else or that makes something late and then that is costing more and all the way.... too... no running car, no money for parts, no way to get around, no gas for lawnmower, less than 1 roll of toilet paper, need toothpaste and just basic necessities and not stocked up on anything and they just raised my post office box and insurance and cost of credit cards and my mortgage and encouraging thievery to other people and was really planning on making my life worse in every way. We ran out of gas because what we were putting to get around was taking too much. They keep taking and taking and taking until I'm hurting more so... this is what my plans are for today. Because they had no intentions or plans to give anyone credit or profit except themselves and I'm.... still getting hurt. And still not getting anything good that I deserve.

Sincerely, Stephanie

On Friday, August 12, 2022 at 11:27:37 AM CDT, Stephanie M. Jordan usafuture@yahoo.com wrote:


They are buying stocks and sharing information with insider information.

Total MARXIST government. Needs to stop.

Socialism for Politicians by contantly asking for Americans for money. - starting with obama and then copying obamas act blue with winred to control candidates.

Socialism for Politicians by getting money from pacs.

Socialism for Politicians by donations at any time from large fedrun banks/companies.

Socialism for Politicians by writing bills and using that information to profit themselves.

Also just prior to this - purposely caused a big market crash so picked up at less price than before crash so probably made more by timing of crash and then writing bill.

The founders saw that a president could have money and power. But probably never imagined internet where politicians and take a few minutes online or place a call to broker to purchase stocks to profit themselves and then could write bills

These people are so fucked in the head and greedy. Is that representing the people.

There should have been laws against this just like a president can't use office to profit themselves.

But blatant use f writing laws and Congressional office for the benefit of oneself and not representing constituents or she would have used her representation to buy stock for all constituents based on her inside information and timing to purposely crash the market and hurt Americans.

And no one in Congress is ever going to write laws to stop this from happening.

I always wondered why Nancy didn't run for President with all her experience but always wanted someone else to be first woman President. NOW I get it. She could be much richer using the country and Congress to enrich her and her husband with government information.






How can they even say they represent Americans when they represent themselves?



Tell us about yourself

I'm a shit-on mistreated abused citizen in poverty watching these pieces of shit use this country to keep enriching themselves while Americans are worse off from them.


PaulClark2 commented 2 years ago

No actionable website work, so closing.