feedbin / support

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Feed not updated: https://blog.fefe.de/rss.xml?html #477

Closed jbreitbart closed 10 years ago

jbreitbart commented 10 years ago

The feed in feedbin was last updated 6 month ago, but the feed itself gets updated (almost) every day. Here is a gist with debug information: https://gist.github.com/jbreitbart/aca95e1952dcf5e9fa03

benubois commented 10 years ago

Hi @jbreitbart,

It looks like this site has some SSL issues, however if you try subscribing to http://blog.fefe.de/rss.xml?html It looks like it works.



jbreitbart commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your reply. As far as I can tell, the SSL connection to the site is just fine. It's certificate comes from http://www.cacert.org/, maybe that is the issue you see.

There is a difference between "my" feed and the one you suggested: mine has https link in it, yours http links.