feftywacky / chess-engine-python

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how to play with it ? #1

Open tissatussa opened 2 days ago

tissatussa commented 2 days ago

after installing some modules (eg. pygame, numpy, the 'iris' and 'swrast' drivers), i managed to run your project by python3 ./ChessMain.py : a GUI comes up but it starts playing against itself .. after key 'r' i reset the board and the game halts, but i'm not able to enter any own move.

is this project complete ? am i missing something ?

btw. i had to change this top line of ChessMain.py :

from Chess import ChessEngine, ChessAI

into :

import ChessEngine, ChessAI

i also tried to (pip) install chess and python-chess, then include by import chess or import Chess (capital letter?) but it seems your application doesn't need it ..

[ i'm on Xubuntu 22.04 ]

feftywacky commented 2 days ago

Hi, this engine was created when I first started exploring chess programming, originally as a school project, which is why it has a native GUI. It doesn’t perform well due to an inefficient data structure for board representation and move generation. The evaluation function is also quite basic, and there are no performance benchmarks.

My main project is Thrawn, which you've already commented on.

However, if you're still interested in this project, you can navigate to ChessMain.py to modify whether the AI plays as black or white: image

During the AI's turn, some preliminary information is displayed in the console: image

tissatussa commented 2 days ago

thanks, i will try to adjust the code .. i didn't do that upto now, first i wanted to be sure this project is more than an experiment :-)