fermoya / cocoapods-catalyst-support

Ruby extensions to help you configure your pods project so that pods not compiled for Catalyst can still be used for iOS devices
MIT License
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DSYM Generation #5

Closed Brett-Best closed 4 years ago

Brett-Best commented 4 years ago

Just wondering if you’ve faced any issues with dSYMS not generating for the macCatalyst target?

fermoya commented 4 years ago

@Brett-Best, what do you mean? The excluded pods shouldn’t generate dSYM for macCatalyst, should they? When I archive for Mac I see the symbols for all non-excluded frameworks. Technically the script just unlinks and skips compilation of the selected frameworks if I’m not missing anything. What have you noticed? Any issue with the store?

Brett-Best commented 4 years ago

@fermoya I did some more digging, it turns out that the iOS Default for DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT is dwarf-with-dsym. When compiling for macCatalyst, it is actually dwarf (which isn’t displayed in the project configuration). So it’s necessary to override the DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT and make sure that it’s bolded in the project configuration.

fermoya commented 4 years ago

Just for future readers, if you're having trouble with the dSYM generation in macCatalyst, you should override DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT like this:

post_install do |installer|
  ##### Configure Catalyst Pod support #####

  installer.generated_projects.each do |project|
    project.targets.each do |target|
      target.build_configurations.each do |config| # use `.filter do |config| config.name == 'MY_RELEASE_CONFIG_NAME' end` if you want to override this setting just for your Release configuration
        # Override `DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT` so that macCatalyst generates dSYMs 
        config.build_settings['DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT'] = 'dwarf-with-dsym'