fetzerch / fritzcollectd

A collectd plugin for monitoring AVM FRITZ!Box routers
MIT License
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A collectd <http://collectd.org>__ plugin for monitoring AVM FRITZ!Box routers.

Data captured for the FRITZ!Box includes:

Data captured for connected FRITZ!DECT devices (requires authentication):



  1. pip install fritzcollectd
  2. Configure the plugin as shown below
  3. Restart collectd


In order to be able to read the status information the option "Transmit status information over UPnP" <https://en.avm.de/service/fritzbox/fritzbox-7490/knowledge-base/publication/show/894_Setting-up-automatic-port-sharing-via-UPnP/>_ has to be enabled in the "Network Settings" menu on the Fritz!BOX.

For reading values that are marked with requires authentication in the introduction section, the option "Allow access for applications" (also in "Network Settings") has to be enabled as well. If desired a separate user account can be created for gathering statistics in "FRITZ!Box Users" in the "System" menu <https://en.avm.de/service/fritzbox/fritzbox-4020/knowledge-base/publication/show/1522_Accessing-FRITZ-Box-from-the-home-network-with-user-accounts/>_. The account needs to have the "FRITZ!Box Settings" permission.


Add the following to your collectd config (typically /etc/collectd.conf):

.. code:: xml

<LoadPlugin python>
    Globals true
<Plugin python>
    Import "fritzcollectd"

    #<Module fritzcollectd>
    #    Address "fritz.box"
    #    Port 49000
    #    User "dslf-config"
    #    Password "pass"
    #    Hostname "FritzBox"
    #    Instance "1"
    #    Verbose "False"

The plugin recognizes several (optional) configuration parameters. In most cases the plugin works without any of these parameters. It might be necessary to specify Address if the router's host name has been changed. The values in the introduction section that are marked with requires authentication can only be queried if the router's Password has been configured (see also the prerequisites section).

The module block can be repeated to monitor multiple routers.

Further Information

Please refer to the project announcement blog post <https://fetzerch.github.io/2014/08/23/fritzcollectd/> for additional information, such as the usage of Grafana <http://grafana.org> for metrics visualization.


This projected is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.