ffes / nppsnippets

Code Snippets plugin for Notepad++
GNU General Public License v2.0
70 stars 12 forks source link

Disappearing Snippets #17

Open KrashTestDumby opened 6 years ago

KrashTestDumby commented 6 years ago

Notepad++ v7.5.6 (64 bit) Snippet v1.4.0 (24 May 2017) After months of creating and backing-up my snippets, I just lost them all!

► Yes, I used Snippet to “backup” my libraries. ► Yes, I asked Snippet to load my libraries from the backup. ► No, it didn’t load my snippets. ► Yes, I tried closing/re-opening Notepad++. ► Yes, I tried rebooting (cold boot) the system, and repeating the imports and restarts. ► Yes, if I open the backup sqlite library in ‘DB Browser for SQLite’ or 'SQLiteStudio ’ all my libraries and all my snippets are in there. ► Yes, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the Snippet plugin (including deleting the associated pulgin directory), and tried importing my backups. ► Yes, I’ve tried renaming Snippet’s “Template.sqlite” to “TemplateBKUP.sqlite” and directly copying/renaming one of my backups, and no that didn’t work.

I also noted while using the SQLite tools, numerous libraries are included with the default database. I can only get two to load: ANSI Characters and Templates.

Attached a copy of my exported snippets.


KrashTestDumby commented 6 years ago

Addendum: Suddenly, after at least 2 computer reboots, untold multiple open and closes of NPP, and 2 days later, not only are my snippets back but I now have a copy for each and every attempt to import them!

Screen shot provided. snippets

KrashTestDumby commented 6 years ago

Addendum #2: I closed NPP. I re-opened. My snippets have disappeared, AGAIN!!!

Second screen shot supplied.


sdoiel61 commented 1 year ago

Me too (just so you know it isn't an isolated incident). I close Notepad++ restore a backup copy of NppSnippits.ini and NppSnippets.sqlite to my: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config Folder and all is well again (for a while). Notes: The issue was occurring with the previous version of the snippets extension and I just updated. The issue started with an update to Notepad++ (can't recall which update) I have use Snippets for a few years without this issue. I have run Notepad++ and have the snippets initially appear normally then have some of the text in the snippets window not refresh correctly, as if the text of half the snippet names overwrite the second half, then have my user defined snippets disappear altogether. After restarting Notepad++ my user defined snippets are gone and I restore them as described earlier. So... this may be a memory corruption issue.

Notepad++ v8.4.4 (64-bit) Build time : Jul 15 2022 - 17:54:42 Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe Command Line : Admin mode : OFF Local Conf mode : OFF Cloud Config : OFF OS Name : Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) OS Version : 20H2 OS Build : 19042.1826 Current ANSI codepage : 1252 Plugins : mimeTools (2.8) NppConverter (4.4) NppExport (0.4) NppSnippets (1.7) XMLTools (

Fohsap commented 1 year ago

Updating notepad++ causes all snippets to be deleted. Please, add a warning to the installer: "!WARNING: Backup your snippets before updating notepad++ or they will be deleted!" Also, I have no idea how to backup snippets. An outdated article on SO says "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config\snippets.xml"; however, only NppSnippets.sqlite and .ini exist.

To be fair, EVERYONE should have a SETTINGSBAK file on all of their systems: extremely important. It's just a lot to juggle. I hope a lot of people see this BEFORE they lose hundreds of hours of notes.

TFWol commented 1 year ago

Similar issue here on npp v8.5.2. The list will be blank for some tabs and populate for others, even when the extension is the same for all files.

Great plugin while it works, but I might need to shift to a different solution. Prob AHK.

JOHNNYinside commented 7 months ago

NP++ v8.6 @ 64bits

I installed it and got all my Snippets deleted. How come? Is there a way to restore them or alike?