The package provides access to proprietary Thermo Fisher Scientific Orbitrap instrument data as a stand-alone R package or serves as MsRawFileReaderBackend for the Bioconductor Spectra package. rawrr wraps the functionality of the RawFileReader .NET assembly. Test files are provided by the tartare ExperimentData package.
Please follow the INSTALL instructions provided through
The latest source package build bioconductor devel branch can be found through
rawrr - invoking managed code using ThermoFisher.CommonCore.RawFileReader; presentaton at 3rd de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE metaRbolomics Hackathon 2021 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg (22-24 November); code snippets.
MsRawFileReaderBackend presentaton at European Biocondutor Meeting, de Duve Institute, UCLouvain, Campus de Woluw ́e Brussels, Belgium, Dec 2019