ficool2 / HammerPlusPlus-Issue-Tracker

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[Feature Request] Entity Logic to .nut script Converter in H++ #334

Open celisej567 opened 2 years ago

celisej567 commented 2 years ago

For many, such a thing as a Entity Logic to nut scripts converter could make life easier for modders. Imagine how much entdata and map space can be saved from this opportunity....

MARK2580 commented 2 years ago

how does this relate to hammer ?

celisej567 commented 2 years ago

Hammer is a map editor. in the map editor, you can create logic using an entity.

celisej567 commented 2 years ago

and I think someone can add a button to hammer++ for this function

MARK2580 commented 2 years ago

Hammer is a map editor. in the map editor, you can create logic using an entity.

for starters, as far as I know, "nut" is used literally in three games, it's doubtful, secondly, then you are tormented to look for what's connected to what, there is also an entity limit in the engine itself and you can't deceive it.