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[Allocator Application] <ANE College>< education data> PR #65 #67

Open martapiekarska opened 1 week ago

martapiekarska commented 1 week ago

Allocator Application

Application Number


Organization Name

ANE College

Organization On-chain Identity


Allocator Pathway Name

education data

Github PR Number


Region of Operation


GitHub ID


On-chain address

I will provide an address on a later date

Type of Allocator

Similar to existing allocator pathways

Filecoin Community Agreement

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, allocator, or other operating entity Acknowledge

Type of Allocator and RFA List

RFA: Automated - GitHub

Allocator Description

Contributions to EcosystemHost or sponsor community events such as meetups, hackathons, conferences, FilDev summits etc

Monetization and Fee structure

Client fees.

Target Clients


Client Diligence Check

Manual verification,Automated deterministic,Client promise/attestation,NDA with additional verification

Description of client diligence

We are a professional organization in the Australian education industry. We have a thorough understanding of the operational models of the Australian education sector and educational institutions, which helps us identify suitable users with data storage needs. Additionally, this knowledge aids in transparent and effective KYC verification. To prevent abuse, we will implement a rigorous customer review process before allocation. Below is an overview of our allocation process:   Firstly, we will primarily focus on the education industry, conducting comprehensive KYC (Know Your Customer) checks on educational institutions. This includes verifying government licenses and the addresses of educational institutions to ensure  the authenticity and validity of their identity information. We will also review their previous allocation history, community engagement, and adherence to Filecoin standards and ethical behavior. This review ensures fair, transparent, and responsible allocation.   After successfully completing the KYC process, we will examine the number of students, the number of teachers, and the duration of the institution's operation. Next, we will review the customer's data type. Approved DataCap will be allocated in batches to continuously monitor its correct usage. For applicants who do not meet the initial review standards, we will request additional information to reassess their eligibility. Applicants who fail to pass the reassessment or refuse to provide supplementary materials will not receive an allocation.

Type of data

Private encrypted with on-chain deal pricing,Public, open, and retrievable

Description of Data Diligence

1.Public Data: --Source Confirmation: For public data such as publicly released government reports, news articles, public databases, etc., verifying the source and credibility of the data is typically straightforward. Official channels or recognized data resources can be consulted to confirm the legality and authenticity of the data. --Data Usage Permissions: Although public data is generally freely available for use, it is still necessary to consider whether there are specific usage licenses or legal restrictions. Ensure compliance with relevant regulations when using public data. 2.Private Data: --Compliance Review: For data containing personal or sensitive information, a compliance review regarding privacy regulations is necessary. Ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws, such as the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or other relevant laws in different countries/regions. --Data Processing Authorization: Confirm whether explicit authorization or consent has been obtained from the data subjects for the use of their personal data. Request clients to provide relevant authorization or consent documents and verify their legality. 3.Enterprise Data: --Business Identity Verification: For enterprise data, conduct verification of the business identity and background. Verify the company's registration information, business license, shareholder structure, etc., to ensure that the data originates from a legitimate corporate entity. --Third-Party Verification: Utilize third-party KYB services or commercial investigation agencies to verify the legitimacy, reputation, and business background of the company. This can provide more comprehensive data validation and investigative reports. (This step will only be taken if the encapsulation of the data is not satisfactory. The cost will be borne by the client.)

Data Preparation

Client-provided,Go-CAR,RIBS,Other existing ecosystem tooling

Replicas required, verified by CID checker


Distribution required

Equal distribution of deals across regions

Number of Storage Providers required


Retrieval Requirements

Data retrievable over other standard.

Allocation Tranche Schedule TypeManual or other allocation schedule.

Will you use FIDL tooling, such as and other bots?

Yes, all available tools

GitHub Bookkeeping Repo Link

Success metrics

Amount of data onboarded, daily & aggregate

Timeline to begin allocating to clients

1 week from RKH approval

Funnel: Expected DataCap usage over 12 months


Risk mitigation strategies

New clients need to provide complete background verification, and in the first round, no more than 10% of the total requested quota will be allocated. After completing client due diligence verification, based on the basic principles of Filecoin Plus (Fil+), compliance checks using Checkbot will be conducted. Records will be kept in a GitHub repository and downloaded locally for archiving.

Dispute Resolutions

The dispute resolution process is as follows: Communication and Understanding: 1.Gather all relevant information about the dispute, communicate with the involved parties, and address any misunderstandings. 2.Providing Evidence: Present supporting evidence and materials related to the current issue for scrutiny by the disputing parties and community members. 3.Seeking Assistance: If a dispute cannot be resolved due to response times or other reasons, seek assistance from the community or a dispute resolution committee. This may involve methods such as conference calls, voting for arbitration, or other fair, impartial, and transparent processes to ensure a fair resolution.Typically, we aim to respond to disputes or feedback messages within 3 business days.

Compliance Audit Check

Use a hardware wallet for multi-signature transactions, and ensure that the wallet manager and user are separated.

Compliance Report content presented for audit

Success metric: onchain report of data onboarded.

Connections to Filecoin Ecosystem

Previous allocator,Big data contributor

Slack ID

Bhattarai Suman

galen-mcandrew commented 4 days ago

@anecollege Is this your application? At first glance, there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding here regarding the "Type of Allocator and RFA List". You selected Automated GitHub, but reading your description of your pathway, it sounds more like an existing manual diligence process.

Are you planning to build a scoped and automated allocation pathway, such as one that uses only a GitHub O-Auth to provide a small amount of DataCap without requiring any manual diligence or verification?

If not, we will be updating your application to the lower priority type of existing duplicate pathways. I suggest you check out this blog:

galen-mcandrew commented 4 days ago

Additionally, please provide some more details about your organization. Are you officially affiliated and a representative of this company: ANE Australian National Education

You listed in your application that you are also a previous allocator in the Filecoin ecosystem. Can you please explain?