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Open Grant Application - Lagrange DAO #1138

Closed flyworker closed 1 year ago

flyworker commented 1 year ago

Open Grant Proposal: Lagrange DAO

Name of Project: Lagrange DAO

Proposal Category: app-dev

Proposer: flywork

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: bacalhaufilswan,fevm

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses?:


Project Description


Lagrange DAO is a DAO for data value realization. It provides data sharing & analytic spaces for Decentralized science ( DeSci). With Lagrange Spaces, researchers are able to use public infrastructure for storing, sharing, creating, rewarding, and disseminating scientific knowledge fairly and equitably using the Web3 stack.

Lagrange DAO consists of 4 parts: dataset, model, space and revenue sharing. Researchers can upload the dataset and models to their workspace and sharing with the community. Users can share the benefit with the data and model contributors.

The Lagrange DAO's treasure fund comes from data consumption, model usage and community donation. Funds will be used for:

With Lagrange DAO we are aiming to provide a self-sustainable data ecosystem driven by the community.


Data is owned by the user. it is not limit to the dataset but also include the data schema, model and anything related.


Space is the major place where user shares and calculates the data. User can integrate the data and model inside their workspace.

Revenue sharing

In the ecosystem, there are different roles:

Based on different scenarios, the revenue sharing is backed by smart contract based on the task types. The initial contract revenue sharing is:


The lagrange token (LAG) is a token created for community sharing incentive. It is designed for the following purpose:


Filecoin currently has over 18EB storage space and Scientific dataset is growing rapidly. Scientific data is high valuable assets and requires storage over 10 years, which is a perfect use case for filecoin network. At the end of 2025 the scientific data will grow to 250 PB, which is equivalent to 2.5EB quality adjusted storage power, according to Fil+ requirement, 4 node is needed for redundancy, so the total quality adjusted storage power will be over 10 EB. This will fulfil the over 75% of filecoin existing storage capability.

The value with the dataset will provide significant social value and scientific impact.


Scientific Experiment Dataset Growth

Since 2020, Filecoin Slingshot project has submitted over 100 PB data stored, however there are issues in the project:

In order to let the system become long-term sustainable, the project need a way to self running, it will use the fil+ as the ramp up to kick off the project.

The challenge is coming from different aspects:

Data Provider

The data provider's dataset is public dataset, and it is hosted on Filecoin, but from the user survey lots of project are using IPFS, those parts is not provide by the filecoin protocol. The data schema should be persistent in filecoin as well with a more robust design.


Fig.1 - Data schema/Model Storage

Use case:

Fogmeta Chainsnap

Chainsnap is a project for maintaining blockchain snapshots.This project enables the storing and retrieval of snapshots for blockchain projects including Filecoin, Polygon, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Near.

Data consumer

Data Consumer is the core part of the Data Dao ecosystem. Data consumer is the user who fetch and use the data.They can be DAPP developers, scientist and other users. Storage providers can also be a data consumer if they incentive by fil plus.

Data consumer may need other resource than storage.

Case 1 - Data computing

Users do not have a powerful machine locally, so they want to get a resource from the DAO netowrk.

Case2 - Low latency Data Accessibility Globally

CDN is needed for some dataset when doing international research.

Storage Provider

Storage providers are the heart of the network. They earn FIL by storing data for clients and computing cryptographic proofs to verify storage across time, and they earn rewards for adding new blocks of data.

If a storage provider relies on Fil+ to get rewards, it essentially also a data consumer, as a data consumer, he should pay for the data downloading fee. Currently, the storage provider benefits all the revenue from the dataset. The incentive layer is not directly pass to the data provider. img_5

Other Resource Provider

Bandwidth and computing provider is considered as other resource provider. It is based on an order book format design and order matching on-chain.

Typical Resource Vendor:

A governance and arbitrage system is needed. Reputation system decides the changes of bid wining rate.

Storage provider can also be other resource provider if they qualified for the Service Level Agreement.


Development Roadmap

Milestone 1 Project setup with scope and architecture |1 week

Milestone 2 Login,Dataset, model and space | 10 week

Milestone 3 Computing and Network Sharing | 10 week

Milestone 4 SDKs for project integration | 8 week

Milestone 5 DAO Governance for the token fund maintenance | 8 week

Milestone 6. Release document and marketing | 2 week

Total Budget Requested

Milestone Description Time(Weeks) Developer &Managers Budget
1 Project setup with scope and architecture 1 2 $ 4,000.00
2 Login,Dataset, model and space 10 4 $ 80,000.00
3 Computing and Network Sharing 10 4 $ 80,000.00
4 SDKs for project integration 8 4 $ 64,000.00
5 Payment DAO for the token fund maintenance 8 4 $ 64,000.00
6 Release document and marketing 2 1 $ 4,000.00
Total 39 $ 296,000.00

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

All FilSwan developed product has more than 24 months supporting plan and the maintenance is global support in both English and Chinese. We followed 2 weeks agile development cycle and releases every 4 weeks. As a self-sustained DAO project, it will be live for a long time without extra development funding.


Team Members

Core Team Charles Cao | Architect Founder of FilSwan,the ambassador of Filecoin, mentor of Techstars accelerator, OG player of Web3. He is working closely with numerous leading hardware providers, government, web3 blockchain communities, analysts, and investors in the space.

Daniel Wang | Development Manager More than 6 years of experience in software development and management, and 3 years of successful entrepreneurial experience. Bachelor of Software Engineering, Nanchang University, Master of International Business Administration of the University of Poitier. Founder of; Operated BTC, ETH, Filecoin and other mining business, with a scale of over $50 million. Non-front-end full stack engineer, multi-computer language, including back-end, big data, algorithm and maintenance, etc.

Rishabh Thaney | Blockchain Developer He is an MS CS student at McGill University and an adept software developer with demonstrated experience of more than 4 years in the blockchain field. During this time he won prizes at some of the biggest hackathons organised by ETHGlobal, InOut and SIH, has worked for the following companies: XMargin Inc. (now Credora), DeFiner Inc., Blockchain Foundry, MIT Digital Currency Initiative, Google Summer of Code, Globallogic and has also made projects for Consensys and PwC as well as other personal projects which can be found on his GitHub profile. He strongly adheres to the idea of a 'trustless borderless economy' and also loves to share his profound thoughts on the same by taking sessions and keynoting at blockchain events.

Aayush Simkhada He is a software engineer working at Filswan as a Developer Advocate. He is very passionate about Web3, Crypto, Blockchain, and everything in between.

Ricky Yuen | Blockchain Developer Graduated from the University of Toronto. As a web3 enthusiast, Ricky has participated in ethglobal hackathon, hackmoon, and chainlink. Working on several defi and cross-chain projects and also token generation events. His major skill set it solidity and js.

Advisor from Protocol Labs: Xilin, Wes Floyd

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

We - FilSwan Canada participated in SR1, SR2, and cooperation with starling and pinata project. In slingshot 2 we processed over 10,000 deals and over 500 offline deals, talked to 100 miners and actively working data transfer service between Asia and North American users. Prior to working on Filecoin project, we were working on a decentralized AI computing platform which using smart contract for data/task transmission to different AI workers, we have in hand experience of handling encryption and data pipeline.

We are building the following product

The team get the following reward and honor.

Team code repositories

Additional Information

max1015070108 commented 1 year ago

as an SP,we would like to support this project.

spark8899 commented 1 year ago

As a developer, we would like to use the dataset for development

woshidama323 commented 1 year ago

As a developer and an SP, we would also like to support this project

jamesyu1999 commented 1 year ago

As an SP, we definitely support this project.

nickboot commented 1 year ago

as an SP,we would like to support this project

Icarus9913 commented 1 year ago

As a developer, we would like to use the dataset for development

GuiPulp commented 1 year ago

As a developer and an SP, we would also like to support this project

jnthnvctr commented 1 year ago

How does access management happen here? Or I guess framed another way - how does one manage: a) the flow of funds (to ensure payment is actually flowing back to the DAO) b) if the CID is embedded in the NFT, how does one prevent the first user (who might pay) from reselling at a cheaper price by just storing and serving the data themselves?

Is the data getting decrypted / re-encrypted on reads?

flyworker commented 1 year ago

How does access management happen here? Or I guess framed another way - how does one manage: a) the flow of funds (to ensure payment is actually flowing back to the DAO) b) if the CID is embedded in the NFT, how does one prevent the first user (who might pay) from reselling at a cheaper price by just storing and serving the data themselves?

Is the data getting decrypted / re-encrypted on reads?

a) The fund is a smart contract based on FEVM, when the result is validated the fund will be sent to the different parties after unlocked. b) This is not just a problem of dataset but also the problem of the entire NFTs industry, the IP of the data property is a grey space on the legal side, however, the first one who mints the dataset CID as an NFT will have advantages on the legal side. The user might be able to resell and serve data, but they cannot benefit from the cooperation and benefit from the Lagrange community.

We did not provide Data encryption for v1

flyworker commented 1 year ago

Project Update: Milestone 2: Creating dataset with IPFS is done. You can test create a dataset here

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @flyworker, thank you for the update! We are hoping to have more information available soon regarding this review. In the meantime, can you provide an MVP under $50k for this work? Also, can you briefly describe how you plan to onboard your first 5 users?

flyworker commented 1 year ago

Hi @ErinOCon, Thanks for your advice. We update the work within an MVP with the following milestones and budget.

Milestone 1 Project setup with scope and architecture |1 week

Milestone 2 Login, Dataset and space | 10 week

Milestone 3 Computing and Network Sharing | 10 week

Milestone4. Release document and marketing | 2 week

Total Budget Requested

Milestone Description Time(Weeks) Developer &Managers Budget
1 Project setup with scope and architecture 1 2 $ 4,000.00
2 Login,Dataset and space 10 4 $ 20,000.00
3 Computing and Network Sharing 10 4 $ 20,000.00
4 Release document and marketing 2 1 $ 4,000.00
Total 23 $ 48,000.00

We have talked to about 20 users on the user case side and got very positive feedback. We hereby list 5 users answer below:

Storage Provider

We have talked with Dcent and Origin Storage, as SPs they are very interested to get data stored to provide storage power and computing resource in Asia, the EU and NA.

Data Provider

Ocean protocol (Data market), Slingshot V3 moonlight confirmed the interest in listing their data as a dataset provider

Space User

ITOKA(a music NFT project) is confirmed interest in using Space as their working space for their music NFT downloading bacalhau confirmed interest in using Space for computing cases e,g, stable diffusion,

ErinOCon commented 1 year ago

Hi @flyworker, thank you so much for your time with this proposal and for your patience with our review. I know it has been a considerable amount of time since your original submission.

Unfortunately, we will not be proceeding with a grant at this time. We look forward to learning of your project progress and are wishing you all the best as you continue to build!