filecoin-project / notary-governance

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Notary Application: Linden - Peter Yan #40

Closed Linden-Community closed 3 years ago

Linden-Community commented 3 years ago

Notary Application


To apply as a notary, please fill out the following form.

Core Information

Please respond to the questions below in pargraph form, replacing the text saying "Please answer here". Include as much detail as you can in your answer!

Long Term Network Alignment

Time Commitment

Describe the nature and duration of your affiliation with the Filecoin project. Please include relevant Github handles, miner ids, significant projects or contributions (with links).

In 2013, as a participant and builder of early Bitcoin mining, I deeply felt that the blockchain is different from the traditional industry and has great charm, so I started to contact and study the blockchain technology and related projects.

In 2017, during the booming trend of ICO, I reached IPFS/Filecoin project from the earliest promoting team in China. At that time in China, internet was in rapid development, data storage and privacy was a big problem of the entire Internet industry, which realized me that IPFS/Filecoin is an important way for future internet development, so I began to consult a large number of authoritative information research of the project.

In 2018, after my deep research and learning process lasting for more than a year, I contacted with authoritative experts from different fields such as government, universities, Internet enterprises, venture capital institutions, etc. In this process, I created the WeChat community "IPFS Linden community", and dedicated to the construction of IPFS/Filecoin in China.So far, we have held many online AMA and offline salon activities, and continue to produce related original articles and videos, to promote IPFS/Filecoin project. For instance, "the most authoritative IPFS&Filecoin Knowledge Popularization" video is widely spread in the industry, with up to 50W+ views.

Evidence sources of some salon activities:

Video evidence source:

In 2019, IPFS/Filecoin became a industry and gets really hot in China, at the same time blockchain industry is getting mess with lots of chaos, to build a clean environment for the development of blockchain industry in China, I called for establishment of China Association for promotion of private Sci-Tech enterprises - Distributed Storage branch(
At the same time, Linden is appointed by China distributed storage blockchain Technology and Testing Standardization Working Group.
As the founder of Linden, I won the First Outstanding Committee Award from China Communitcations industry Association( blockchain professional committee
Our team have keep making contributions to the IPFS/Filecoin industry.

Source of evidence:

During the first phase of Filecoin testnet in December 2019, my technical team participated in the test and analyzed the network situation to improve the Filecoin network construction.

May 2020, during the second phase of Filecoin test, our team found the network Bug in time and fixed it, which was recognized by the protocol lab with our leading technical strength.

Source of evidence:

In 2020, Linden hosted the theme of "new infrastructure opportunities block chain distributed storage industry conference" summit, which has a far-reaching influence in China blockchain industry, which brings great guiding significance to the innovation and landing application of blockchain and IPFS distributed storage technology. At the same time, it also marked a new level of theoretical research and practice of China blockchain technology empowering "new infrastructure". This summit was reported by China official media CCTV-2 and hundreds of all kinds of media.

Source of evidence:

Stake Exposure

Please cite total token at stake (currently available, locked as collateral, vesting over time) and any substantiating evidence.

By December 3, our node has provided 19968TiB effective power for the mainnet,  pledged tokens provided by F02770 is 1188807.7732,
the number of pledged tokens provided by F02776 is 167732.5744,
and the number of pledged tokens provided by F02767 is 532687.9833.
Totally 1889228.3359 pledge.


Industry Reputation

In-protocol Reputation

Please describe (in detail) your activity and tenure as a member of the Filecoin community. Please note (with links where possible) any contributions made to implementations of Filecoin, the spec, documentation, or to substantially help the Filecoin ecosystem grow.

After in-depth study of IPFS/Filecoin, I set up a professional tech development team, established an IPFS protocol-based ecosystem and enthusiast community, gathered IPFS/Filecoin enthusiasts from all over the country, after long-term research and analysis, IPFS protocol-based development of related technologies, we have also obtained patent certification.

Sources of evidence:

In order to develop the ecosystem, I have also built IPFS eco-applications, such as the Linden blockchain browser, to provide community members and other enthusiasts with filecoin mainnet information and data. At the same time, I also participated in the construction of IDC data center and the development of Filecoin mining system. In the first stage of Filecoin spacerace, our hardware equipment, computer room construction and system management services made us rank No.3 in the world and won high rewards for community members. Of course, I have been working hard and believe that more people will participate in Filecoin network in the future.

Source of evidence:

In-protocol Security

Please describe your contributions to the security of Filecoin and the duration over which you've made contributions. Please also include any links or references who might be able to substantiate your contributions (e.g. if you've filed several bugs, please cite who you've communicated with on the Filecoin side).

My main contribution is to produce original content(articles, videos, etc) for education and promotion in the industry, and to participate in every stage of devnet, testnet and spacerace with our tech power and equipment & human resource investment.Through continuous technological breakthroughs, our effective computing power has long ranked No.1 in the world. In the second stage of the testnet, my test node also became the first node whose effective computing power broke through 5PiB. In addition, in the first round of the space race, I received valuable awards for our community members, No.3 in the world.

During IPFS/Filecoin ecosystem construction, I cooperated with bayinnaoer city government for smart city project, also won the hornors including Vice Chairman Unit of China Association for promotion of private Sci-Tech enterprises - Distributed Storage branch,deputy director of China Communitcations industry Association, honor member of China distributed storage blockchain Technology and Testing Standardization Working Group , Blockchain enterprise filed by the National Cyberspace Administration Office( and value-added telecommunications business license, etc.

At the same time, I have participated in the slingshot, explore the commercial application landing for Filecoin, provide enterprises, individuals and the majority of Internet users with data cloud storage, management and protection services, I will do my best to promote the great ecosystem construction of Filecoin.

Source of evidence:

External Reputation

Please describe the nature of your organization, including the country of registration, size of the organization, and time since inception.

Personal Reputation:
Zitong YAN, Founder and Chairman of Linden, early participant and builder of bitcoin mining, long-term participant of blockchain, big data and other related fields.I have been Focusing on IPFS/Filecoin ecosystem construction since 2017 and founded Xi’an Linden computer system co., LTD. In 2018. Linden was appointed China communications industry association, deputy director of the block chain branch. I was also a Guest lecturer invited by XiDian University,information engineering department. IPFS Linden community now has more than 10,000 followers.

Linden is a High-tech company that combines professional server, storage devices research and development, production, sales, management and data storage services in one. We focus on blockchain technology and IPFS global ecosystem construction and development.

- Professional IDC
- Top development team
- Quality technical service

Also, my tech team contributed related source code for some bug fixes and code optimization
Source of evidence: (personal)
WeChat subscribe number: lingdongjisuanji

Source of evidence: (organization)

Please share any relevant details to help substantiate information about your organization (website, named officers, links to social media profiles).

Linden official website:
Linden official WeChat subscribe number: IPFS灵动社区
Linden official weibo:

Please share any relevant external information regarding your organization (e.g. news articles, social media profiles, etc.)

Source of evidence:

Diversity and Decentralization

Use Case Diversity

(Optional) Any additional information you'd like to share about the use case(s) you plan to support?

Within the scope of legal compliance, my team supports the application development of real data storage, mainly providing data storage solutions for enterprises and individuals. Including but not limited to video storage, document storage, image storage, enterprise disaster backup storage and other subdivisions. At present, Filecoin Plus is still under testing. I will focus on the process and conduct follow-up research and analysis according to the actual situation. I hope that the application i develop can alleviate or even break the development bottleneck and dilemma of data storage, and actively create a valuable Internet world.

Allocation Plan

Concreteness of Allocation Plan

Allocation Strategy

How do you plan on allocating the DataCap requested above? Please describe your allocation strategy with as much specificity as you can.

The great vision of the Filecoin network is to store the most important information for humanity, so the key for allocation is to develop an appropriate standard to evaluate the weight of each piece of data. In the early stage, my main goal is to develop enterprise-level customers and help them to use Filecoin network. I will make a comprehensive assessment of these customers' reputation, data nature, data size and other influencing factors, and finally allocate them according to the following rating rules and weight ratio.(100 points in total)

1. Reputation of data providers: 10%
2. Nature of data: 20%
3. Data size: 20%
4. Importance of data: 15%
5. Contribution to the community: 5 %
6. Customer data storage management system: 10%
7. Social background of data provider: 5%
8. Data management investment and accumulation of r&d: 5%
9. Equipment input: 5%
10. Growth rate and customer quality: 5%

I will nominate more than 5 internal notaries to score users according to the above assessment rules and weight ratio, and finalize the score of users to establish a reasonable allocation scheme.

Are there any internal processes you plan on impelementing regarding the target, amount, or rate at which you'll allocate DataCap?

I will nominate more than 5 internal notary staff, on the basis of the rational distribution plan, assign users in batches.I plan to add the above assessment rules to the internal process, and constantly explore our practical application value based on the dynamic balance process of Filecoin network, develop and reward the application with reasonable compliance, so as to encourage the benign development of IPFS/Filecoin ecosystem.

In order to build business applications, I will also continue to focus on several data storage applications:
1.Enterprise data storage, disaster backup storage (e.g., medical imaging, insurance industry, astronomy and geography);
2. Personal data storage (videos, pictures, documents and other data);
3. Important data native to various blockchain host networks (related to blockchain, smart contracts, open finance).

How do you plan on securing the DataCap to ensure your organization (and its delegated members) are the ones allocating the DataCap?

The security and rational use of DataCap is the core of notarization.Therefore, in terms of security, I will establish a security team of no less than 5 people within the organization and implement reasonable audit mechanism.During the test period, I will establish a platform for notarized public information disclosure and supervision on GITHUB, and launch a verification tool to promote the fair and just of our audit results through multiple measures such as an authorized multi-signature platform.

Client Due Diligence

How will you vet your Client to ensure they are spending that DataCap responsibly?

Step 1: Register and back customer information
I will register customer information. Participants are required to provide the following information:
- Business license;
- Legal person information, including ID card, ID card photo, mobile phone number, mobile phone verification code;
- Signature of legal person or agent
- Compliance application commitment
- Detailed application materials and historical evidence
- Complete the data cap plan within at least one year
- List of relevant historical products.
- Number of users in the existing user community, user portraits, etc

Step 2: Grade assessment
I will score the weight ratio for users according to the set customer scoring rules. We will truly assess the reliability of the data provider and the nature of the data, etc., to ensure the quality of the provider and its data. Then I will distribute the data in batches, and finally dynamically adjust the distribution quantity according to the user's rating table.

Step 3: Make information public for verification
All of our ratings and distribution reports are publicly and transparently posted on GITHUB for review and supervision by participants.
We will also introduce a feedback mechanism to collect suggestions or complaints for improvement.After gathering and reviewing the above information, participants will use the DataCap in a reasonable and efficient manner.

What questions will you ask to ensure the Client can properly handle the DataCap you intend to allocate to them?

1. What is the main direction of your application?
2. What is the current development plan for the application?
3. What is the organizational structure of your team?
4. What are the features of your application?
5. What areas will your app serve when it goes live?
6. How to reflect the promotion mode of the application after going online?

What processes will you employ to confirm that a Client is not improperly over-allocating DataCap to a single entity?

Ecosystem construction still needs good systems and procedures to ensure that the work of notaries can be carried out in a fair and transparent environment.Every notary should proceed with caution and pragmatism.Our investigation and review team will closely monitor and track the use of DataCap.Once the problem is found, it will be responded in time, and the illegal use will be severely punished.Second, open oversight mechanisms allow mutual oversight.If it is found that the distribution is unfair, it can be reported and deal with it strictly after examination.

Bookkeeping Plan

Do you plan on keeping records of your allocation decisions? If so, with what level of specificity do you intend to respond to any audit requests?

We fully support documenting the entire assignment and Posting notarized information on GitHub to ensure transparency and credibility.

Do you plan on conduct your allocation decisions in public (e.g. Github repo), private (e.g. over email, Telegram, etc), or both?

As a Datacap notary, it is necessary to notarize the information.We will make a public distribution on Github. We must uphold the principles of fairness, transparency and openness.

Track Record

Past allocation

Have you previously received DataCap to allocate before? If so, please link to any previous applications.


Cumulatively, how much DataCap have you previously successfully allocated?


Have there been (or are there still) any disputes raised against you from your previous DataCap allocations?

jnthnvctr commented 3 years ago

Hi @Linden-Community we've scored your application here:

Eligibility score: 2 Unrounded score: 1.7

dkkapur commented 3 years ago

@Linden-Community - just wanted to let you know that Notary applications are currently open again until May 25. In case you'd be interested in applying again, please create a new Issue of type "Notary Application" and fill in the form (it is completely reasonable to reuse material from your prior application).