fingerpich / jalali-angular-datepicker

Highly configurable jalali (shamsi, khorshidi, persian) date picker built for Angular ( 2 or more ) applications
MIT License
152 stars 62 forks source link

it's incompatible with angular version 4 #25

Closed mohsensrmst closed 7 years ago

mohsensrmst commented 7 years ago

Hi Thank you for good Module but i'm using angular version "~4.2.3" when add your Module to my project get this Erorr:

Unexpected token <
  Evaluating http://localhost:2634/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
  Evaluating http://localhost:2634/app/service/during-detail.component.js
  Evaluating http://localhost:2634/app/app.routing.module.js
  Evaluating http://localhost:2634/app/app.module.js
  Evaluating http://localhost:2634/app/main.js
  Loading ../app
    at eval (<anonymous>)
    at evaluate (system.src.js:2821)
    at system.src.js:3620
    at dynamicExecute (system.src.js:1144)
    at doEvaluate (system.src.js:1091)
    at ensureEvaluate (system.src.js:999)
    at system.src.js:1017
    at Object.eval (:2634/app/service/during-detail.component.js:18)
    at eval (:2634/app/service/during-detail.component.js:101)
    at eval (:2634/app/service/during-detail.component.js:102)
fingerpich commented 7 years ago

Hi Thank you Its not related to angular version, I am using it in angular 4.3.1.

mohsensrmst commented 7 years ago

Hi I do any, you say for installation but get that error. you don't any idea?

fingerpich commented 7 years ago

according to this question I think there might be a problem with import packages.

please check how you have imported this package it should be like bellow code

import {DpDatePickerModule} from 'ng2-jalali-date-picker';

and if you use jalali-moment import it as the following code

import * as moment from 'jalali-moment';