finn-no / terraform-provider-softlayer

This is a provider for Terraform that lets you provision infrastructure on SoftLayer.
Apache License 2.0
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Using private custom image #18

Open pat610 opened 7 years ago

pat610 commented 7 years ago

I've used the SoftLayer API to get the globalIdentifier of one of my private custom images. However, when I specify that image and run terraform apply I get an error:

softlayer_virtual_guest.terraform-sample-BDTGroup: Creating... backend_vlan_id: "" => "111111" cpu: "" => "8" dedicated_acct_host_only: "" => "false" disks.#: "" => "5" disks.0: "" => "1000" disks.1: "" => "1000" disks.2: "" => "1000" disks.3: "" => "1000" disks.4: "" => "1000" domain: "" => "" frontend_vlan_id: "" => "222222" hourly_billing: "" => "true" image: "" => "4b36e2f4-02f7-4830-8dd2-c37988c76783" ipv4_address: "" => "" ipv4_address_private: "" => "" local_disk: "" => "false" name: "" => "terraform-vm" private_network_only: "" => "false" public_network_speed: "" => "1000" ram: "" => "32768" region: "" => "tor01" Error applying plan:

1 error(s) occurred:

eirslett commented 7 years ago

SoftLayer support is part of terraform core now. This codebase is deprecated, you should ask at the terraform repo instead!