firebase / quickstart-unity

Firebase Quickstart Samples for Unity
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firebase not initialized in android device #1374

Open Ma5noo2-and opened 2 weeks ago

Ma5noo2-and commented 2 weeks ago

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I am making a new 2d game using unity and firebase for authentication , firestore to save user data I only wrote a script to initialize firebase auth "using UnityEngine; using Firebase; using Firebase.Extensions;

public class FirebaseInitializer : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { DebugTextManager.Log("Starting Firebase Initialization");

    FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => {
        if (task.IsCompleted)
            if (task.Result == DependencyStatus.Available)
                FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
                DebugTextManager.Log("Firebase Initialized Successfully");
                DebugTextManager.LogError($"Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: {task.Result}");
        else if (task.IsFaulted)
            DebugTextManager.LogError($"Dependency check failed: {task.Exception}");
        else if (task.IsCanceled)
            DebugTextManager.LogError("Dependency check was canceled.");
            DebugTextManager.LogError("Unknown issue occurred during dependency check.");

    DebugTextManager.Log("Firebase Initialization Task Started");

} " first it didn`t run until i added google-services.json file in folder called StreamingAssets then it works fine in the unity editor , when i built the apk and test it on my android device firebase not initialize this is my logcat : "0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info --------- beginning of main 2024/06/13 21:33:41.916 14538 14538 Info crewMultiplayer Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.922 14538 14538 Error crewMultiplayer Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.929 14538 14538 Info MessageMonitor Load libmiui_runtime 2024/06/13 21:33:41.956 14538 14538 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10251; state: ENABLED 2024/06/13 21:33:41.963 14538 28819 Debug AppScoutStateMachine 14538-ScoutStateMachinecreated 2024/06/13 21:33:41.963 14538 14538 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk /data/app/T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer 2024/06/13 21:33:41.969 14538 14538 Info Perf Connecting to perf service. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.973 14538 14538 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE Developer option for 'com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer' set to: 'default' 2024/06/13 21:33:41.973 14538 14538 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE GameManagerService for com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer: false 2024/06/13 21:33:41.973 14538 14538 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment Updatable production driver is not supported on the device. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.976 14538 14538 Info ForceDarkHelperStubImpl initialize for com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer , ForceDarkOrigin 2024/06/13 21:33:41.977 14538 14538 Debug crewMultiplayer JNI_OnLoad success 2024/06/13 21:33:41.977 14538 14538 Info MiuiForceDarkConfig setConfig density:2.750000, mainRule:0, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0 2024/06/13 21:33:41.978 14538 14538 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2024/06/13 21:33:41.978 14538 14538 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2024/06/13 21:33:41.980 14538 14538 Warn FirebaseApp Default FirebaseApp failed to initialize because no default options were found. This usually means that was not applied to your gradle project. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.980 14538 14538 Info FirebaseInitProvider FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful 2024/06/13 21:33:41.983 14538 14538 Debug MiuiMultiWindowAdapter MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformVideoWhiteListInSystem::LIST_ABOUT_SUPPORT_LANDSCAPE_VIDEO = [com.hunantv.imgo.activity, com.tencent.qqlive,, com.hunantv.imgo.activity.inter, com.tencent.qqlivei18n, com.iqiyi.i18n, tv.danmaku.bili] 2024/06/13 21:33:41.992 14538 14538 Warn libc Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 2024/06/13 21:33:41.997 14538 14538 Debug IS_CTS_MODE false 2024/06/13 21:33:41.997 14538 14538 Debug MULTI_WINDOW_ENABLED false 2024/06/13 21:33:41.999 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.057 14538 14538 Info IL2CPP JNI_OnLoad 2024/06/13 21:33:42.073 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.073 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.100 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false 2024/06/13 21:33:42.104 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.117 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE Surface(name=SurfaceView[com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity])/@0xca15b60, mIsProjectionMode = false 2024/06/13 21:33:42.117 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:33:42.118 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:33:42.118 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:33:42.124 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.130 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true 2024/06/13 21:33:42.131 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.131 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.143 14538 28842 Info Unity MemoryManager: Using 'Dynamic Heap' Allocator. 2024/06/13 21:33:42.152 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity SystemInfo CPU = ARM64 FP ASIMD AES, Cores = 8, Memory = 11198mb 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 0xf0), 4 little (mask: 0xf) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity ApplicationInfo com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer version 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity Built from '2022.3/staging' branch, Version '2022.3.32f1 (c8300dc0a3fa)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a', Stripping 'Enabled' 2024/06/13 21:33:42.202 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.202 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.336 14538 28842 Info Unity Company Name: Youleen 2024/06/13 21:33:42.336 14538 28842 Info Unity Product Name: Screw Multiplayer 2024/06/13 21:33:42.342 14538 28842 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/lib/arm64' 2024/06/13 21:33:42.342 14538 28842 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a' 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== BEGIN DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS ===== 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== END DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS ===== 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/ 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/ 2024/06/13 21:33:42.370 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.384 14538 28920 Debug Choreographer Attaching thread to JVM for AChoreographer 2024/06/13 21:33:42.385 14538 28842 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c13202660 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/13 21:33:42.385 14538 28842 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 8333333 nsec (approx 120.000005 Hz) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.394 14538 28842 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:33:42.394 14538 28842 Info MediaRouter Skip setBluetoothA2dpOn(): types=8388615, isPlaybackActive()=false, BT route=null 2024/06/13 21:33:42.400 14538 28842 Warn AidlConversion aidl2legacy_AudioChannelLayout_audio_channel_mask_t: no legacy output audio_channel_mask_t found for AudioChannelLayout{layoutMask: 16} 2024/06/13 21:33:42.410 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::PlayerBase() 2024/06/13 21:33:42.410 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase() 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Info libOpenSLES Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack set(sessionId=26633) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack set(): streamType 3, sampleRate 48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 0, flags #104, notificationFrames -10, sessionId 26633, transferType 0, uid -1, pid -1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Warn AudioTrack set(): notificationFrames=-10 clamped to the range -1 to -8 2024/06/13 21:33:42.423 14538 28842 Info AudioTrack createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 1536 2024/06/13 21:33:42.426 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack start(2111): prior state:STATE_STOPPED 2024/06/13 21:33:42.427 14538 14538 Debug MediaRouter onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:33:42.427 14538 14538 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.573 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.573 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.592 14538 28842 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c13202660 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/13 21:33:42.592 14538 28842 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 8333333 nsec (approx 120.000005 Hz) 2024/06/13 21:33:43.435 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 1s(f:0 m:1000 s:0 k:1000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:44.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 2s(f:0 m:2000 s:0 k:2000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:45.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 3s(f:0 m:3000 s:0 k:3000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:46.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 4s(f:0 m:4000 s:0 k:4000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:47.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 5s(f:0 m:5000 s:0 k:5000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:48.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 6s(f:0 m:6000 s:0 k:6000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity AndroidVideoMedia: No tracks in sharedassets1.resource 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #0 0x7baa675a1c ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #1 0x7baaaa66e8 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #2 0x7baa81dc94 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #3 0x7baa81d084 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #4 0x7baa817150 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #5 0x7baa8131f4 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #6 0x7baa4a6720 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #7 0x7baa4a6c9c ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #8 0x7baa4a73f4 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #9 0x7baa54b30c ( ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #10 0x7cc4d3c5c8 ( __pthread_start(void*) 0xd0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #11 0x7cc4cd5fbc ( __start_thread 0x44 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity 2024/06/13 21:33:48.956 14538 29172 Error firebase Failed to read Firebase options from the app's resources. Either make sure google-services.json is included in your build or specify options explicitly. 2024/06/13 21:33:48.974 14538 29172 Info IL2CPP Locale en-US 2024/06/13 21:33:49.018 14538 28842 Error firebase Failed to read Firebase options from the app's resources. Either make sure google-services.json is included in your build or specify options explicitly. 2024/06/13 21:33:49.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 7s(f:0 m:7000 s:0 k:7000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:50.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 8s(f:0 m:8000 s:0 k:8000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:51.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 9s(f:0 m:9000 s:0 k:9000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:52.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 10s(f:0 m:10000 s:0 k:10000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:53.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 11s(f:0 m:11000 s:0 k:11000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:54.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 12s(f:0 m:12000 s:0 k:12000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:55.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 13s(f:0 m:13000 s:0 k:13000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:56.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 14s(f:0 m:14000 s:0 k:14000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:57.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 15s(f:0 m:15000 s:0 k:15000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:58.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 16s(f:0 m:16000 s:0 k:16000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:59.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 17s(f:0 m:17000 s:0 k:17000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(sessionID=26633) 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): prior state:STATE_ACTIVE 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): called with 834432 frames delivered 0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info --------- beginning of system 2024/06/13 21:33:59.945 14538 14538 Warn Activity PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity onPause took 53ms 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/ 2024/06/13 21:33:59.986 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 PFP: 0x016dc094, ME: 0x00000000 2024/06/13 21:34:00.011 14538 29584 Warn libc Access denied finding property "vendor.migl.debug" 2024/06/13 21:34:00.018 14538 29584 Error libEGL pre_cache appList: ,, 2024/06/13 21:34:00.031 14538 29584 Error libEGL pre_cache appList: ,, 2024/06/13 21:34:00.141 14538 14538 Error BLASTBufferQueue VRI[UnityPlayerActivity]#0 Applying pending transactions on dtor 1 2024/06/13 21:34:00.146 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false 2024/06/13 21:34:00.162 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:34:00.162 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.571 14538 28925 Debug AppScoutStateMachine 14538-ScoutStateMachinecreated 2024/06/13 21:34:07.590 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE Surface(name=SurfaceView[com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity])/@0xa4b1b23, mIsProjectionMode = false 2024/06/13 21:34:07.590 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:34:07.590 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=2 2024/06/13 21:34:07.671 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true 2024/06/13 21:34:07.671 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.671 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.681 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.681 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils : Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.715 14538 28842 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c13202660 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/13 21:34:07.715 14538 28842 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 8333333 nsec (approx 120.000005 Hz) 2024/06/13 21:34:07.722 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack start(2111): prior state:STATE_STOPPED 2024/06/13 21:34:07.723 14538 14538 Debug MediaRouter onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:34:07.723 14538 14538 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:34:08.238 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 18s(f:0 m:18000 s:0 k:500) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:34:08.495 14538 14538 Warn MirrorManager this model don't Support 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(sessionID=26633) 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): prior state:STATE_ACTIVE 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): called with 56064 frames delivered 2024/06/13 21:34:09.044 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false "

google-oss-bot commented 2 weeks ago

This issue does not seem to follow the issue template. Make sure you provide all the required information.

argzdev commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @Ma5noo2-and, thanks for reaching out. So the stacktrace is showing that the google-services.json wasn't found in your project.

2024/06/13 21:33:41.980 14538 14538 Warn FirebaseApp Default FirebaseApp failed to initialize because no default options were found. This usually means that was not applied to your gradle project.

first it didn`t run until i added google-services.json file in folder called StreamingAssets then it works fine in the unity editor ,

You mentioned that you added your google-services.json in the StreamingAssets. I'm wondering if the build somehow was unable to detect the google-services.json from the StreamingAssets folder. Could you try adding this in the parent Assets folder?

Ma5noo2-and commented 2 weeks ago

i have put google-services.json in both streamingassets and in the parent assent and same problem logcat 0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info --------- beginning of main 2024/06/15 03:05:39.676 29235 29235 Info crewMultiplayer Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.682 29235 29235 Error crewMultiplayer Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.689 29235 29235 Info MessageMonitor Load libmiui_runtime 2024/06/15 03:05:39.711 29235 29235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10251; state: ENABLED 2024/06/15 03:05:39.722 29235 29235 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk /data/app/~~j9h9bXgeuAcubJcgDapEGA==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-W5iotdsg55O-Z5YTMY9dDQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~j9h9bXgeuAcubJcgDapEGA==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-W5iotdsg55O-Z5YTMY9dDQ==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~j9h9bXgeuAcubJcgDapEGA==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-W5iotdsg55O-Z5YTMY9dDQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer 2024/06/15 03:05:39.726 29235 14443 Debug AppScoutStateMachine 29235-ScoutStateMachinecreated 2024/06/15 03:05:39.729 29235 29235 Info Perf Connecting to perf service. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.730 29235 29235 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE Developer option for 'com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer' set to: 'default' 2024/06/15 03:05:39.731 29235 29235 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE GameManagerService for com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer: false 2024/06/15 03:05:39.731 29235 29235 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment Updatable production driver is not supported on the device. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.732 29235 29235 Info ForceDarkHelperStubImpl initialize for com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer , ForceDarkOrigin 2024/06/15 03:05:39.734 29235 29235 Debug crewMultiplayer JNI_OnLoad success 2024/06/15 03:05:39.734 29235 29235 Info MiuiForceDarkConfig setConfig density:2.750000, mainRule:0, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0 2024/06/15 03:05:39.736 29235 29235 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2024/06/15 03:05:39.736 29235 29235 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2024/06/15 03:05:39.737 29235 29235 Warn FirebaseApp Default FirebaseApp failed to initialize because no default options were found. This usually means that was not applied to your gradle project. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.737 29235 29235 Info FirebaseInitProvider FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful 2024/06/15 03:05:39.740 29235 29235 Debug MiuiMultiWindowAdapter MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformVideoWhiteListInSystem::LIST_ABOUT_SUPPORT_LANDSCAPE_VIDEO = [com.hunantv.imgo.activity, com.tencent.qqlive,, com.hunantv.imgo.activity.inter, com.tencent.qqlivei18n, com.iqiyi.i18n, tv.danmaku.bili] 2024/06/15 03:05:39.746 29235 29235 Warn libc Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 2024/06/15 03:05:39.742 29235 29235 Warn crewMultiplayer type=1400 audit(0.0:743611): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=2518 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c251,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer 2024/06/15 03:05:39.751 29235 29235 Debug IS_CTS_MODE false 2024/06/15 03:05:39.751 29235 29235 Debug MULTI_WINDOW_ENABLED false 2024/06/15 03:05:39.754 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.770 29235 29235 Info IL2CPP JNI_OnLoad 2024/06/15 03:05:39.781 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.781 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.803 29235 29235 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false 2024/06/15 03:05:39.806 29235 29235 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/15 03:05:39.814 29235 29235 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE Surface(name=SurfaceView[com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity])/@0xca15b60, mIsProjectionMode = false 2024/06/15 03:05:39.814 29235 29235 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/15 03:05:39.814 29235 29235 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/15 03:05:39.814 29235 29235 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/15 03:05:39.832 29235 29235 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/15 03:05:39.840 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true 2024/06/15 03:05:39.841 29235 29235 Info HandWritingStubImpl refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.841 29235 29235 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.845 29235 14454 Info Unity MemoryManager: Using 'Dynamic Heap' Allocator. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.847 29235 29235 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.860 29235 14454 Info Unity SystemInfo CPU = ARM64 FP ASIMD AES, Cores = 8, Memory = 11198mb 2024/06/15 03:05:39.860 29235 14454 Info Unity SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 0xf0), 4 little (mask: 0xf) 2024/06/15 03:05:39.860 29235 14454 Info Unity ApplicationInfo com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer version 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.860 29235 14454 Info Unity Built from '2022.3/staging' branch, Version '2022.3.32f1 (c8300dc0a3fa)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a', Stripping 'Enabled' 2024/06/15 03:05:39.885 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.885 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/15 03:05:39.973 29235 14454 Info Unity Company Name: Youleen 2024/06/15 03:05:39.973 29235 14454 Info Unity Product Name: Screw Multiplayer 2024/06/15 03:05:39.977 29235 14454 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/~~j9h9bXgeuAcubJcgDapEGA==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-W5iotdsg55O-Z5YTMY9dDQ==/lib/arm64' 2024/06/15 03:05:39.977 29235 14454 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/~~j9h9bXgeuAcubJcgDapEGA==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-W5iotdsg55O-Z5YTMY9dDQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a' 2024/06/15 03:05:39.984 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== BEGIN DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS ===== 2024/06/15 03:05:39.984 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== END DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS ===== 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/15 03:05:39.985 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/ 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/15 03:05:39.987 29235 14454 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/ 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.001 29235 14454 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.008 29235 14493 Debug Choreographer Attaching thread to JVM for AChoreographer 2024/06/15 03:05:40.009 29235 14454 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c03c367c0 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/15 03:05:40.009 29235 14454 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 16666666 nsec (approx 60.000002 Hz) 2024/06/15 03:05:40.020 29235 14454 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/15 03:05:40.020 29235 14454 Info MediaRouter Skip setBluetoothA2dpOn(): types=8388615, isPlaybackActive()=false, BT route=null 2024/06/15 03:05:40.023 29235 14454 Warn AidlConversion aidl2legacy_AudioChannelLayout_audio_channel_mask_t: no legacy output audio_channel_mask_t found for AudioChannelLayout{layoutMask: 16} 2024/06/15 03:05:40.026 29235 14454 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::PlayerBase() 2024/06/15 03:05:40.026 29235 14454 Debug crewMultiplayer TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase() 2024/06/15 03:05:40.026 29235 14454 Info libOpenSLES Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2) 2024/06/15 03:05:40.026 29235 14454 Debug AudioTrack set(sessionId=42681) 2024/06/15 03:05:40.026 29235 14454 Debug AudioTrack set(): streamType 3, sampleRate 48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 0, flags #104, notificationFrames -10, sessionId 42681, transferType 0, uid -1, pid -1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.026 29235 14454 Warn AudioTrack set(): notificationFrames=-10 clamped to the range -1 to -8 2024/06/15 03:05:40.036 29235 14454 Info AudioTrack createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 1536 2024/06/15 03:05:40.039 29235 14454 Debug AudioTrack start(3749): prior state:STATE_STOPPED 2024/06/15 03:05:40.040 29235 29235 Debug MediaRouter onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/15 03:05:40.040 29235 29235 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/15 03:05:40.125 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/15 03:05:40.125 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.125 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/15 03:05:40.125 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/15 03:05:40.125 29235 14454 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/15 03:05:40.126 29235 14454 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:40.138 29235 14454 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c03c367c0 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/15 03:05:40.138 29235 14454 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 16666666 nsec (approx 60.000002 Hz) 2024/06/15 03:05:41.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 1s(f:0 m:1003 s:0 k:1003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:42.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 2s(f:0 m:2003 s:0 k:2003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:43.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 3s(f:0 m:3003 s:0 k:3003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:44.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 4s(f:0 m:4003 s:0 k:4003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:45.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 5s(f:0 m:5003 s:0 k:5003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:46.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 6s(f:0 m:6003 s:0 k:6003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity AndroidVideoMedia: No tracks in sharedassets1.resource 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #0 0x7bae50ea1c ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #1 0x7bae93f6e8 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #2 0x7bae6b6c94 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #3 0x7bae6b6084 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #4 0x7bae6b0150 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #5 0x7bae6ac1f4 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #6 0x7bae33f720 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #7 0x7bae33fc9c ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #8 0x7bae3403f4 ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #9 0x7bae3e430c ( ? 0x0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #10 0x7cc4d3c5c8 ( __pthread_start(void*) 0xd0 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity #11 0x7cc4cd5fbc ( __start_thread 0x44 2024/06/15 03:05:46.419 29235 14471 Warn Unity 2024/06/15 03:05:46.499 29235 14509 Error firebase Failed to read Firebase options from the app's resources. Either make sure google-services.json is included in your build or specify options explicitly. 2024/06/15 03:05:46.502 29235 14509 Info IL2CPP Locale en-US 2024/06/15 03:05:46.525 29235 14454 Error firebase Failed to read Firebase options from the app's resources. Either make sure google-services.json is included in your build or specify options explicitly. 2024/06/15 03:05:47.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 7s(f:0 m:7003 s:0 k:7003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:48.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 8s(f:0 m:8003 s:0 k:8003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:49.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 9s(f:0 m:9003 s:0 k:9003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:49.722 29235 29235 Warn FinalizerDaemon type=1400 audit(0.0:743617): avc: denied { getopt } for path="/dev/socket/usap_pool_primary" scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c251,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0 app=com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer 2024/06/15 03:05:50.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 10s(f:0 m:10003 s:0 k:10003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:51.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 11s(f:0 m:11003 s:0 k:11003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:52.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 12s(f:0 m:12003 s:0 k:12003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:53.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 13s(f:0 m:13003 s:0 k:13003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:53.198 29235 29235 Warn MirrorManager this model don't Support 2024/06/15 03:05:54.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 14s(f:0 m:14003 s:0 k:14003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:55.051 29235 14495 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 15s(f:0 m:15003 s:0 k:15003) : pid 29235 uid 10251 sessionId 42681 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/15 03:05:56.000 29235 14454 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer 2024/06/15 03:05:56.000 29235 14454 Debug AudioTrack stop(sessionID=42681) 2024/06/15 03:05:56.000 29235 14454 Debug AudioTrack stop(3749): prior state:STATE_ACTIVE 2024/06/15 03:05:56.001 29235 14454 Debug AudioTrack stop(3749): called with 761664 frames delivered 0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info --------- beginning of system 2024/06/15 03:05:56.013 29235 29235 Warn Activity PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity onPause took 161ms 2024/06/15 03:05:56.023 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/15 03:05:56.037 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/ 2024/06/15 03:05:56.046 29235 14607 Info AdrenoGLES-0 PFP: 0x016dc094, ME: 0x00000000 2024/06/15 03:05:56.076 29235 14607 Warn libc Access denied finding property "vendor.migl.debug" 2024/06/15 03:05:56.087 29235 14607 Error libEGL pre_cache appList: ,, 2024/06/15 03:05:56.111 29235 14607 Error libEGL pre_cache appList: ,, 2024/06/15 03:05:56.256 29235 29235 Error BLASTBufferQueue [VRI[UnityPlayerActivity]#0](f:0,a:1) Applying pending transactions on dtor 1 2024/06/15 03:05:56.260 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/15 03:05:56.260 29235 29235 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1