firewalld / firewalld

Stateful zone based firewall daemon with D-Bus interface
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Applet icon missing in the tray but randomly appears after relog #1299

Open REmerald opened 5 months ago

REmerald commented 5 months ago

What happened

Most of the time I boot into my system, the firewall-applet icon is missing from the notification tray. firewall-applet-no-icon But it appears after a reboot or logout (but not always). firewall-applet-tray-icon Btw, no matter if the icon is missing or not, I always get the applet notification: firewall-applet-notification

What you expected to happen

The icon should always be present after logging into the desktop.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)

No response

Anything else we need to know?

No response

Firewalld Version


Firewalld Backend


Linux distribution

Garuda Linux (Arch Linux)

Linux kernel version


Other information

The issue have been present for a very looong time.

utoddl commented 3 months ago

I'm seeing the same thing on a fully patched Fedora Linux 39 (MATE-Compiz) system with kernel-6.8.5-201.fc39.x86_64.

REmerald commented 2 months ago

Here's confirmation that when there's no icon in the tray, frewall-applet is runnung:

$ ps auxww | grep [f]irewall
root         888  0.0  0.1 144476 14068 ?        Ssl  10:53   0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/firewalld --nofork --nopid
remorin     2128  0.1  0.3 1100396 24836 ?       Sl   10:54   0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/firewall-applet
$ procs --tree firewall
         PID    User    │ TTY CPU MEM CPU Time │ Command                                                     
                        │     [%] [%]          │                                                             
 └┬───── 1      root    │     0.0 0.1 00:00:02 │ /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserial
  ├┬──── 888    root    │     0.0 0.2 00:00:00 │ /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/firewalld --nofork --nopid         
  │└──── [998]  root    │     0.0 0.2 00:00:00 │ gmain                                                       
  └┬──── 2128   remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/firewall-applet                    
   ├──── [2272] remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ QDBusConnection                                             
   ├──── [2282] remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ pool-spawner                                                
   ├──── [2283] remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ gmain                                                       
   ├──── [2285] remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ gdbus                                                       
   ├──── [2286] remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ dconf worker                                                
   ├──── [2292] remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ WaylandEventThr                                             
   └──── [2293] remorin │     0.0 0.3 00:00:00 │ WaylandEventThr

Any logs I can provide to help resolve the issue?

erig0 commented 2 months ago

Some DEs, e.g. Gnome, have removed systray icons. This includes the icon for firewall-applet.

For MATE, see here:

ChooChooAl commented 1 month ago

Hate to but in, but, I just loaded Endeavour Cinnamon DE. Linux Endeavour 6.9.5-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 16 Jun 2024 19:06:37 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux and I have no icon in the tray. I should say, it's a red circle with a slash through it, like a bad link.

I'm using an icon theme from Linux Mint Cinnamon. If I change to Qogir icon theme, it shows up. Could you tell me what icons I am missing from my Mint icon theme?

REmerald commented 20 hours ago

I changed the icon theme from Tela Circle variant to a Nordzy variant, and now icon appears on login every time (when I don't forget to look at the tray). image

I don't know why Tela Circle wasn't working and I'm too lazy to switch and check again. Some people seem to have this issue as well, so I won't close it for now.