Closed andrewboyes closed 3 years ago
After a few epochs it sometimes produces this error:
Epoch 00006: ReduceLROnPlateau reducing learning rate to 1.000000013351432e-11.
200/200 [==============================] - 267s 1s/step - loss: 2.8008 - regression_loss: 1.9139 - classification_loss: 0.8868
2020-10-07 12:23:17.121434: W tensorflow/core/kernels/data/] Error occurred when finalizing GeneratorDataset iterator: Failed precondition: Python interpreter state is not initialized. The process may be terminated.
[[{{node PyFunc}}]]
if u got a that error, try at that epoch checkpoint , not that first weight file ,
I have tried with a previous version of fizyr/keras-retinanet, using tensorflow 1.14 and I have the same problem of the low mAP (0.00). I don't get the failed precondition anymore however. What could I try do to increase the mAP? How many epochs would one expect before seeing an improvement in the mAP? I am looking for light objects in a dark trunk. My dataset is roughly 1500 images, with 300 instances of each class/object (3 object classes). Which weight file should one use to initialize the network? During training, my learning rate automatically adjusts to below 1e-20 without any improvements in mAP.
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Any one have solved it yet? I am also having this issue and none of the provided solutions works :(
I had same problem, but after I set batch-size option with class count, it solved. (I had 3 classes, so I set batch-size as 3)
I am currently using fizyr/retinanet to train a model that detects 3 classes. When I train the model, I receive precisions of 0.0000 on all my classes. In some rounds of training, I received slightly higher precisions e.g. 0.0007.
I have looked at these threads, but it doesn't seem like their solutions work: and
That is, I added the --image-max-side argument to my training command. I made this 2560 pixels. The images I am working with are 1920X2560 pixels. Training set is 916 images. Validation set is 258 images.
The full command that I use to train the model is:
I have also tried running the above command without initializing the weights to coco. This produces the same result. I have copied the file into my parent directory (and changed imports to absolute path).
I had to include this extra piece of code in so that training did not get stopped by GPU running out of resources:
Here is a sample from my train.csv file:
Here is my classes.csv file:
My installation setup is: Windows 10 Tensflow 2.3.1 CUDA Toolkit 11.0 CuDNN v7.6.3
The precision does not change over multiple epochs. Here is a sample of the output:
If there are any suggestions on what to try to increase my precision / troubleshoot why it isn't finding any objects, please let me know?