flame-engine / gamepads

A Flutter plugin to handle gamepad input across multiple platforms.
MIT License
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Standardize buttons across multiple platforms/controller types #11

Open luanpotter opened 7 months ago

luanpotter commented 7 months ago

We need some generic way of identifying buttons in a platform and controller independent way Also standardize dead zones and intensities of the triggers

Related: https://github.com/flame-engine/gamepads/issues/4

markvideon commented 5 months ago

This might be a useful resource.

markvideon commented 2 weeks ago

I imagine this would look like defining some common set of controller elements inside gamepads_platform_interface and then each plugin implementation mapping inputs to those before invoking onGamepadEvent.

I think Unity is a good reference - using BUTTON_NORTH, BUTTON_SOUTH, etc. rather than BUTTON_X to describe a particular button on a controller, as the names of the buttons should not be considered uniform among all possible controllers. I'm less familiar with the input APIs of other game engines.