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SVG Logo Upload Support #22

Open marbuser opened 2 years ago

marbuser commented 2 years ago

Feature Request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. No just a feature suggestion.

Describe the solution you'd like Allow upload of SVG files as board Logo.

Justify why this feature belongs in Flarum's core, rather than in a third-party extension SVG is an increasingly popular format for websites, especially for logos, and at this point I'd say it's close to becoming the standard. Examples of a few websites that use SVG logos;

You guys yourself even use it for your docs logo here; https://docs.flarum.org/img/logo-docs.svg but due to this very limitation you are forced to use a png logo on your board instead; https://discuss.flarum.org/assets/logo-9yg6hfqg.png

With 1440p, 4k, and even 5k-6k monitors becoming more accessible to more people, I think this is a must-have for Flarum.

Describe alternatives you've considered You can bandaid fix this at the moment by manually adding your svg filename in the database, but this is not really very user friendly for newer users, and really, I think this should be as simple as just accepting SVG file mimetype on the upload I think?

If SVG is completely off the table for some reason (Can't think of one), then it might still be worth offering an alternative via srcset responsive images https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Responsive_images

Personally I think SVG is still the better choice, but both would likely be ideal so people can choose and just use whatever they prefer. :)