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Catch Email Errors on signup #57

Open katosdev opened 2 years ago

katosdev commented 2 years ago

Feature Request

When signing up without having a correct email configuration at the moment, the modal fails and shows "oops, something went wrong" but the user is still created. This leads to a poor UX. Instead, the error should be caught, and the email logged - perhaps if we set the default mail driver to "log" on flarum creation also?

Describe the solution you'd like A detailed description of your proposed solution. Include:

Justify why this feature belongs in Flarum's core, rather than in a third-party extension Core feature - Signup.


askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

This is a very commonly reported issue. Since most hosts don't support the mail driver by default, log is probably a better initial option. We might want to start with that.

We should also include "set up email" in the "starting" steps for new forums. This could either be in the docs, the welcome message, or as a default first post.

As for a customized error message, I'm hesitant to introduce one specifically for email errors, although it could be considered.