fletcher / peg-multimarkdown

An implementation of MultiMarkdown in C, using a PEG grammar - a fork of jgm's peg-markdown. No longer under active development - see MMD 5.
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encode HTML entities like Umlaut, accented vowels, ... in HTML mode #112

Closed DivineDominion closed 12 years ago

DivineDominion commented 12 years ago

When writing texts in MMD on a Mac, I never succeeded with sending the raw MMD to someone. They always prefer PDF over mark up in text files.

HTML is a lightweight solution. The mostly German texts I compose rely on characters like äöüßéè...

Adding HTML Header: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> doesn't seem to help with most browsers on German-localized Windows machines. Replacing these characters with their encoded equivalent is possible before the HTML conversion starts using a script, but integration in a fully functional HTML export makes sense to me since you're in a better position to pull the textual contents out of the marked up text after parsing.

fletcher commented 12 years ago

This is in in the user's guide:
