fletcher / peg-multimarkdown

An implementation of MultiMarkdown in C, using a PEG grammar - a fork of jgm's peg-markdown. No longer under active development - see MMD 5.
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LaTeX and Code Blocks #150

Closed moonglum closed 11 years ago

moonglum commented 11 years ago

The Code Blocks work exactly as expected when converting to HTML. When I convert to LaTeX and give an explicit language it is written in though, I get a problem. This is the Markdown Code (ignore the slash... I don't know how to create the code block inside the code block...):

(:require clojure.string)

it will translate into the following LaTeX Code:

(:require clojure.string)

This doesn't make a lot of sense. What it should actually do is the following:

(:require clojure.string)

Then you get Code Highlighting and so on :smile:

PS: MultiMarkdown is great. Currently trying it out with a smaller project, if it turns out well, I will use it for my master thesis next year :smile: I searched for a way to create the body of my LaTeX documents in Markdown, and there it is!

moonglum commented 11 years ago

I'm deepy sorry, @fletcher – I used a totally outdated version from homebrew. This is fixed in Version 4.2 (installed via the installer). It now works exactly as I expected. Thanks for this great tool!!!