fliqper / GAP-Citations-Analyzator

GAP Citations project
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Analysis pipeline #3

Open olexandr-konovalov opened 3 years ago

olexandr-konovalov commented 3 years ago

We need to discuss how many Python scripts and different notebooks we envisage, to ensure that we have a well organised workflow. We have:

  1. data retrieval
  2. cleaning the data
  3. analysis and visualisations

This seems to be a natural split into three pieces of code, with (1) being an executable Python script, and (2) and (3) Jupyter notebooks. There may be an underpinning .py file with function definitions, to be imported from other code.

fliqper commented 3 years ago

Thank you, I agree this is the logical split at this point. I will convert (1) into Python script as soon as it is finished.