floatlazer / semantic_slam

Real time semantic slam in ROS with a hand held RGB-D camera
GNU General Public License v3.0
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octomap_generator warning of TF #14

Closed araster1010 closed 5 years ago

araster1010 commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to use your great work.

When I use the semantic_mapping.launch, the octomap_generator says below warning.

[ WARN] [1546579727.548125655]: MessageFilter [target=/map ]: The majority of dropped messages were due to messages growing older than the TF cache time. The last message's timestamp was: 1546579726.635539, and the last frame_id was: /new

[ WARN] [1546579727.558286995]: MessageFilter [target=/map ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.octomap_generator.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.

/map is the world coordinate. /new is my camera's coordinate. (I don't use ORB-SLAM) Do you have any advice? Thanks.

floatlazer commented 5 years ago


Thanks for your interest in this project.

You may debug by launching different nodes one by one. You may want check whether all tfs and the point cloud are broadcasted correctly before launching the octomap_generator node and that the point cloud's tf frame is in line with the semantic_cloud node.

araster1010 commented 5 years ago

Thanks. The warning disappeared.