flopach / johann-network-device-monitoring

johann is a web-based network device monitoring tool for Cisco IOS XE devices. Collect configuration and operational data of your networking devices in a structured way in one single database!
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cisco iosxe restconf

DevNet Published

johann is a web-based network device monitoring tool for Cisco IOS XE devices. Collect configuration and operational data of your networking devices in a structured way in one single database!

Get an Overview in this YouTube Video!


Supported Devices*

*RESTCONF needs to be supported in the IOS XE version!


johann is easy installable:

  1. Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose (already included on macOS and Windows)

  2. Then copy & paste into terminal (on Linux you may need to start Docker with a non-root user):

git clone https://github.com/flopach/johann-network-device-monitoring &&
cd johann-network-device-monitoring/docker/ &&
docker-compose up

After all containers are up, you can access the web-dashboard via http://localhost.

Demo GIF

(size: 11MB)



Are only IOS XE devices supported? - For now, yes only IOS XE devices.

What YANG modules do you use? - Cisco IOS-XE native YANG models only.

johann does not get ___ operational/configuration data! - Feel free to add it or send a feature request.

Why is some information empty in the johann database? - The RESTCONF interface of the device did not provide this information.

What is the password for Database admin? - You can set the Django superuser in the ./docker/johann/Dockerfile. The default is admin/admin123 to acess the database.

johann does not support __ ! - Please put in a feature request of feel free to add this feature!

When stopping Docker, what data will be saved? And where? - The whole SQLite database and .log file will be saved in docker/johann/stickydata/.

Known Limitations

Technical Deep-Dive

High-level architecture

Sequence diagram for adding devices

Built With


0.1.0 - Initial Release



This project is licensed under the Cisco Sample Code License 1.1 - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Further Links