flopp999 / Tibber-Domoticz

Script to communicate with Tibber. Help me with a buy-me-a-coffee
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

Euro #60

Open wkossen opened 1 year ago

wkossen commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Tibber has expanded its business to areas where öre or kr aren't used as currency. In fact, here in the Netherlands we use Euro. Is it possible to add this to the plugin? (i fiddled with the code to add it in two places, but i'm no programmer) also can you explain more about what the 'transfer fee' means? there are a number of costs involved with energy that are monthly. Is it those things? What does that mean for the values in the devices? Or is this use-related like VAT Tax? How do i use that field? Then, can i use these monthly things to create better graphs in domoticz? and how would i go about that? I do not have a watty/pulse, but i do have a p1 device. Is it possible to use that instead? Of to not hammer the API when there is no pulse/watty? Or is that automatic?

Thanks for looking into these things. I can provide example documentation for my contract in the Netherlands if needed.

wkossen commented 1 year ago

from the Dutch Tibber site:

Variable cost estimated buy price : 14,63 ct/kWh Energy tax: 12,6 ct/kWh VAT: 21%: 5,76 ct/kWh Garanty of origin: 0,2 ct/kWh Total (33,19 ct/kWh)

Regular non variable cost Netbeheerkosten: €29,42/month Vaste leveringskosten €3,99/month subsidized reduced energy tax: €-50,69/month Total: € -17,28 per maand