florayuan18 / pikachudrinkingwindex

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Individual Grading:

Team Member Github ID Journal Scrum Board Commits Profile
Calvin Cheah QwikSP Journal Scrum Board Commits Profile
Crystal Widjaja crystalwidjaja Journal Scrum Board Commits Profile
Flora Yuan florayuan18 Journal Scrum Board Commits Profile
Kira Liao 4disease Journal Scrum Board Commits Profile
Maggie Killada maggie3000 Journal Scrum Board Commits Profile

Week 4 Issues

Team Member Roles Issues
Calvin Cheah Technical Officer Search Bar
Crystal Widjaja Scrum Leader Video Game API
Flora Yuan GitHub Admin Jekyll Set Up
Kira Liao Web Designer Video Game API
Maggie Killada Deployment Manager Certbot

Week 3 Issues

Group Ticket Team Member Roles Issues
Calvin Cheah Technical Officer Data and CRUD
Crystal Widjaja Scrum Leader Progress Overview
Flora Yuan GitHub Admin Commits and Pulls
Kira Liao Web Designer Bootstrap
Maggie Killada Deployment Manager Runtime and Updates

Week 2 Issues

Group Ticket Team Member Roles Issues
Calvin Cheah Technical Officer Individual Home Pages
Crystal Widjaja Scrum Leader Individual Home Pages
Flora Yuan GitHub Admin Individual Home Pages
Kira Liao Web Designer Individual Home Pages
Maggie Killada Deployment Manager Individual Home Pages

Week 1 Issues

Team Member Roles Issues
Calvin Cheah Technical Officer Technicals
Crystal Widjaja Scrum Leader Assignments
Flora Yuan GitHub Admin Github Guide
Kira Liao Web Designer Design Guide
Maggie Killada Deployment Manager Deployment Guide

Week 0 Issues

Team Member Roles
Calvin Cheah Technical Officer
Crystal Widjaja Scrum Leader
Flora Yuan GitHub Admin
Kira Liao Web Designer
Maggie Killada Deployment Manager

Visual thoughts

* Starter code should be fun and practical

* Organize with Bootstrap menu

* Add some color and fun through VANTA Visuals (birds, halo, solar, net)

* Show some practical and fun links (hrefs) like Twitter, Git, Youtube

* Show student project specific links (hrefs) per page

* Show student TPT ideas

* Show student About me pages

Getting started

* Clone project to IntelliJ

* Verify Project Structure to use a good Java JDK (adopt-openJ9-15)

* Play or entry point is Main.java, look for play option in tray. This file eanbles Spring to load

* Java source (src/main/java) had Java files. Find "controllers" path, these files enable HTTP route and HTML file relationship. Note, html

* HTML source (src/main/resources) had templates and supporting files. Find index.html as this file is launched by defaul in Spring. Other HTML files are loaded by building a "@Controller"

IDE management

* A ".gitignore" can teach a Developer a lot about Java runtime. A target directory is created when you press play button, byte code is generated and files are moved into this location.

* A "pom.xml" file can teach you a lot about Java dependencies. This is similar to "requirements.txt" file in Python. It manages packages and dependencies.