florian / federated-learning-addon

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Initial Federated Learning WebExtension #1

Closed florian closed 6 years ago

florian commented 6 years ago

This PR contains all the code for the initial version of the WebExtension that implements the client-side part for the Federated Learning project.

experiments/study/ is the shield library provided by the shield-studies-addon-utils repository and does not need to be reviewed here. addon/studySetup.js is from the same repository but was configured for this project. I'll remove the testing flag in that file before we ship everything.

florian commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the review! I think I fixed everything you found.

We already went through the data review last week. You can find it on Bugzilla. I talked to Sunah about all the Telemetry related parts, so I should be using the correct APIs, too.