flowerinthenight / golang-monorepo

An example of a golang-based monorepo.
MIT License
381 stars 36 forks source link
bash docker go golang makefile monorepo monorepository
GitHub Actions CircleCI
main CircleCI


This is an example of a golang-based monorepo. It has the following features:

For now, CircleCI 2.1 and GitHub Actions are supported. But since it uses bash scripts and Makefiles, it should be fairly straightforward to port to TravisCI or AppVeyor, etc.

At the moment, CI is setup with GO111MODULE=on and GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor environment variables enabled during build. See sample dockerfile for more details.

How does it work

During CI builds, build.sh iterates the updated files within the commit range (CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL environment variable in CircleCI) or the modified files within a single commit (when the value is not a valid range), excluding hidden files, pkg, and vendor folders. It will then try to walk up the directory path until it can find a Makefile (excluding root Makefile). Once found, the root Makefile will include that Makefile and call the custom rule as target, thus, initiating the build.

When the changes belong to either pkg or vendor, the script will then try to determine the services (and cmds) that have dependencies using the go list command. All dependent services will then be built using the same process described above.

You can override the COMMIT_RANGE environment variable for your own CI. If this is set, build.sh will use its value. You also want to set CIRCLE_SHA1 to your commit SHA (CIRCLE_SHA1 is CircleCI-specific). Example for GitHub Actions is here. Something like:

# If your commit range is correct:
COMMIT_RANGE: aaaaa..bbbbb
CIRCLE_SHA1: aaaaa

# If no valid commit range:
COMMIT_RANGE: <your_commit_sha>
CIRCLE_SHA1: <your_commit_sha>

Directory structure

Although we have this structure, there is no limitation into where should you put your services/cmds. Any subdirectory structure is fine as long as a Makefile is provided.

How to add a service/cmd

A reference template named samplesvc is provided. Basically, these are the things that you need to do: