flucas96 / st_ant_tree

A Streamlit implementation of the Ant Design Tree Component (https://ant.design/components/tree-select/).
MIT License
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Streamlit ANT Tree Select Component

Buy Me A Coffee

This streamlit component adds ANT Tree Select to Streamlit



pip install st-ant-tree


The component gets initialized by calling 'st_ant_tree'. The Component returns a list of all selected values.

selected_values = st_ant_tree(treeData,....)

Define the the data for the dropdown.

The data needs to be a list that contains a dictionary.

Each data point needs atleast a 'value', which gets returned if it gets selected and a 'title' which will be shown in the selector

Some examples:

2 Options (parent 1 and parent 2) that are on the same level:

tree_data = [
    "value": "parent 1",
    "title": "Title 1",
    "value": "parent 2",
    "title": "Title 2",

We can add children and create nested selection trees

tree_data = [
    "value": "parent 1",
    "title": "Parent 1",
            {"value": "child 1",
            "title": "Child 1"},
            {"value": "child 2",
            "title": "Child 2"},
    "value": "parent 2",
    "title": "Parent 2",

It is possible to add HTML Styling to the title

tree_data = [
    "value": "parent 1",
    "title": "Title 1",
    "value": "parent 2",
    "title": """<i> <b style="color:green">Parent 2</b> </i>""",

Options that change the behavior

Allow the user the clear all selected options at once (enables the X on the right side in the search bar).

st_ant_tree(...,allowClear = True)

Enable Checkboxes next to each option (this also always enables multiple selection!)

st_ant_tree(...,treeCheckable = True)

Enable multiple selection (not needed if Checkboxes are enabled)

st_ant_tree(...,multiple = True)

It is possible to decide that the tree nodes will be hidden when filtering

st_ant_tree(...,filterTreeNode = True)

Expand all Nodes by default

st_ant_tree(...treeDefaultExpandAll = True)

Only expand specific keys

#Takes a list of Keys that should be expanded. - Currenly not working

st_ant_tree(..., treeDefaultExpandedKeys=["key1","key2"])

Maximum tag count that gets displayed in the search bar

st_ant_tree(...,maxTagCount = 5)

The selector can be disabled

st_ant_tree(...,disabled = True)

Show a Border

st_ant_tree(..., bordered = True)

Define a maximum height (in px) that will not be exceeded

st_ant_tree(..., max_height = 500)

Define the width of the dropdown (in %)

st_ant_tree(...,width_dropdown = "90%")

Show a arrow in the search bar

st_ant_tree(...,showArrow = True)

Show a search icon the search bar

st_ant_tree(...,showSearch = True)

Show tree lines

st_ant_tree(...,treeLine = True)

Set validation status

#"error" or "warning"


Set the placeholder text in the selector

st_ant_tree(...,placeholder="Choose an option")