While trying to compile mvme software(main branch), we faced the issue in pulling the submodules while following the instructions.
Bellow is the error namely on qgv :
git submodule update --init
Submodule 'external/mesytec-mvlc' (https://github.com/flueke/mesytec-mvlc.git) registered for path 'external/mesytec-mvlc'
Submodule 'external/qgv' (https://github.com/flueke/qgv.git) registered for path 'external/qgv'
Cloning into '/home/pista/Softs/mvme_org/mvme/external/mesytec-mvlc'...
Cloning into '/home/pista/Softs/mvme_org/mvme/external/qgv'...
fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref ff40091a65f5b514a8cd9d9c6ce58ee57f32f34f
fatal: Fetched in submodule path 'external/mesytec-mvlc', but it did not contain ff40091a65f5b514a8cd9d9c6ce58ee57f32f34f. Direct fetching of that commit failed.
Can you help us ?
With best regards,
Antoine (and John F @GANIL !)
While trying to compile mvme software(main branch), we faced the issue in pulling the submodules while following the instructions. Bellow is the error namely on qgv :
git submodule update --init Submodule 'external/mesytec-mvlc' (https://github.com/flueke/mesytec-mvlc.git) registered for path 'external/mesytec-mvlc' Submodule 'external/qgv' (https://github.com/flueke/qgv.git) registered for path 'external/qgv' Cloning into '/home/pista/Softs/mvme_org/mvme/external/mesytec-mvlc'... Cloning into '/home/pista/Softs/mvme_org/mvme/external/qgv'... fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref ff40091a65f5b514a8cd9d9c6ce58ee57f32f34f fatal: Fetched in submodule path 'external/mesytec-mvlc', but it did not contain ff40091a65f5b514a8cd9d9c6ce58ee57f32f34f. Direct fetching of that commit failed. fatal:
Can you help us ? With best regards, Antoine (and John F @GANIL !)