I am proposing to have Shiming Wu(GithubID: wushiming540) as a new committer.
Weixiao Huang, senior engineer of 4Paradigm. As an developer and in-depth user of Fluid, he actively participates in weekly community meetings and discussions, contributing to the growth of the community and expanding Fluid's user cases.
Dear Fluid TOC members and maintainers,
I am proposing to have Shiming Wu(GithubID: wushiming540) as a new committer.
Weixiao Huang, senior engineer of 4Paradigm. As an developer and in-depth user of Fluid, he actively participates in weekly community meetings and discussions, contributing to the growth of the community and expanding Fluid's user cases.
The commit history: https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/fluid/commits?author=weixiao-huang
Best, Rong